Senior Highlight - Montserrat Guerrero Chapula

Montserrat Guerrero Chapula

Montserrat Guerrero Chapula

Montserrat Guerrero Chapula- Montserrat was involved in a variety of sports including track and field, tennis, archery, and volleyball. She also participated in JROTC, including color guard, drill, and Raiders team. In high school, Montserrat said she learned to be responsible for all her actions. She is planning to attend Indian Hills Community College and obtain an Arts & Sciences-Associate of Science in Chemistry, then get transfer to a four year college and complete her bachelor's degree. She plans to continue to be involved in sports activities and clubs.

Advice to the Underclassmen- “Challenge yourself and get involved! Being involved in high school is important because you will have a lot of great memories, and it also will help you in the future when applying for scholarships and colleges. Enjoy every last moment of your time in high school, do everything you want to do so you aren't concerned about anything after you graduate, you only have four years of high school, you can't get those four years back, so make everything you can out of those four years. Time flies. “