Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)

In November, schools across Iowa received their Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) results. This new assessment of student progress was administered for the first time to Iowa students in grades 3-11 last spring. 

This test more closely aligns with the Iowa Core Standards, providing a clear and accurate assessment of student learning outcomes. Using a variety of response types (extended response, short answer, technology-enhanced items, and selected response), the ISASP provides assessment information that is relevant and actionable. The results will help teachers to understand where students are succeeding and where they need addtional support.

Students can score in one of three performance levels, Advanced, Proficient, and Not Yet Proficient. Students who score at the Proficient level demonstrate adequate competency over the knowledge, skills, and abilities that meet the requirements for their grade level. This is associated with academic readiness for college and career in the subject area. 

The district shared results with parents in late November. Elementary parents received their results during Parent Teacher Conferences on November 25 and 26. Secondary students received their reports to take home during the same week. Parents received a text via PowerSchool notifying them to look for the results. Links below provide parents additional information on the ISASP tests and proficiency reports. 

In comparison to state averages by grade level, Ottumwa students in grades 3-11 achieved at lower rates. In general terms, this data indicates a gap in implementation of the Iowa Core standards in grades 3-11 for Reading, Language, Writing, and Mathematics, and for grades 5 and 8 in Science. These results are being examined by district and building leadership teams to align improvement actions. "There are so many things teachers do exceptionally well in Ottumwa," said Marci Dunlap, Director of Secondary Education. These scores represent a new era of data-driven improvement for all of us."

CLICK HERE to view Information for Families

CLICK HERE to view the ISASP Fact Sheet

CLICK HERE for district Reading Proficiency Scores

CLICK HERE for district Math Proficiency Scores

CLICK HERE for district Science Proficiency Scores