Healthy Snacks and Classroom Celebrations
The Ottumwa Community School’s Wellness Policy promotes a healthy school environment, including classroom celebrations. Foods served during the school day or in after-school programs should make a positive contribution to children’s diets and health, with an emphasis on serving fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk, 100% juices and/or water.
Please check with your child’s classroom teacher when planning classroom celebrations.
Each celebration should have no more than 2 food items and a drink.
Please no candy goodie bags.
Snack Ideas
Fruit and Vegetables
Vegetable sticks: celery, carrots, zucchini with low-fat dip
Bananas/melon slices/orange slices
Apples, grapes, strawberries
Dried fruit/raisins
Trail mix without nuts
Granola or granola/cereal bars
Graham Crackers, vanilla wafers
Goldfish or unfrosted animal crackers
Fig Newtons, Angel food cake
Whole-grain breads, mini bagels, or muffins
Popcorn, rice cakes, pretzels break sticks
Quesadillas or bean burrito with salsa
Ham, cheese or turkey sandwiches or wraps
Pizza with vegetable and/or lean meat toppings
Cheese cubes/string cheese
Low-fat pudding, yogurt, or Gogurt
100% juice, water, low-fat milk
Visit the following websites for more information:
(Click Here) Action For Healthy Kids
(Click Here) USDA Food and Nutrition Service
(Click Here) Center for Science in the Public Interests