Taking some time to celebrate leaders!
This week we took a minute to pass out some swag for some teacher and administrative leaders using the tool Screencastify in our district. This tool allows teachers to share videos with their students to help support learning. Some of these videos might include showcasing how to do a project, videotaping the computer screen to show how to do a task and share these so students can return to them later as a resource to support learning. We also have new tools with submit where teachers will be able to create assignments where students can directly create their own videos to showcase learning or their webcam to explain the student’s learning and share it with their teacher. Students also use this tool and we will be supporting them with swag next month! They have the opportunity to submit and add captions this month as well!
Thanks to Screencastify for supporting us with the swag!
This months leaders included Erin Duffy at Ryan Road, Karen Albano at Ryan Road, Mark Lusier at Jackson Street, Vinnie Napoli at JFK and Paul Kinsman at NHS.