Stand Up JFK


Stand Up JFK Celebration – February 8, 2019


Stand Up JFK Image 1

Art Credit: Mural created by 8th grade Forums following Diversity Day at JFK, February 2018. Additional collaboration from 8th grade Exploratory Art students during the fall of 2018.



For the second year, our School Council and Student of Color Alliance (SOCA) are hosting a celebration of diversity and tolerance at JFK.  During the month of January, student Advisory groups will begin a series of lessons and activities focused on raising awareness and building community. For several weeks during Forum (Advisory groups), students will discuss issues of diversity, race and justice as they learn more about civil rights history. Through film, thoughtful conversation and activities, JFK students will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be an “upstander” and the impact on community.  This important learning will include our school-wide Stand Up JFK Diversity Day on February 8th.

Please stay tuned for updates and visit us again at this site to view student works, ongoing activities, photos and performances. Stand UP JFK is designed to be an interactive month-long journey in a exploration of tolerance, diversity and what it means to be an Upstander.

In preparation for Stand Up JFK Day students will be participating in a series of Forum sessions related to the film Bridge To The Ballot. To learn more about these individual Forum Session activities, consult this Facilitator’s Guide. These sessions are designed to create a backdrop and context for participation in Stand Up JFK Day.

To get a peek of what students worked on during these sessions so far, visit the links below.

Student work from “What is Justice” Chalk Talks.  Chalk Talks allow for a silent “conversation” where all voices are heard.

  • Sample 1:  6th grade students in action.
  • Sample 2:  7th graders’ view on what Justice means to them.
  • Sample 3:  8th grade chalk talk thoughts.


The Film: “Bridge To The Ballot. The story of a courageous group of Alabama students and teachers who, along with other activists, fight a nonviolent battle to win voting rights for African Americans in the South. They face intimidation, violence, jail and even murder, to achieve one of the most significant victories of the civil rights era. This film is a powerful tool for educating students about the struggle for voting rights and the power of each person to bring about social change.

Pertinent Links

View Map and Timeline poster of “Bridge To The Ballot” here.

Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot – Teaching Tolerance

The Zinn Education Project

Teaching Tolerance – resources for the film



Image result for bridge to the ballot

Students will participate in forum activities and attend a school wide Stand Up JFK Assembly.  The assembly runs twice in order to accomodate our entire student population. The hour-long assembly will include student presentations by JFK SOCA students and performances by JFK Jazz band, the JFKeys Acapella group,  as well as local area artists.

Image result for bridge to the ballot

If you wish to engage in some conversations at home, here are some questions that can serve as a starting point:

  1. What does the word “justice” mean to you?
  2. Were you surprised by the impact the students in Selma were able to have on their community during the protests?
  3. What’s the difference between an Upstander and a Bystander?
  4. What would you be willing to stand up for in your community?

bystander [ bahy-stan-der ] (noun) A person present but not involved; chance spectator; onlooker.

courage [ kur-ij, kuhr-ij ] (noun) The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger or pain without fear; bravery.

dilemma [ dih-lem-uh ] (noun) A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives; any difficult or perplexing situation or problem.

upstander [ up-stan-der ] (noun) One who speaks up and becomes involved.

whistle-blower [ hwis-uhl bloh-er, wis- ] (noun) A person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of a wrongdoing.