Northampton High School Counseling Department

The Northampton High School Guidance Department is here to help students and families make the best possible use of the school’s range of offerings, from transition to ninth grade through graduation and post-graduate planning.

Our staff consists of four full-time guidance counselors, an adjustment counselor, and an administrative assistant. The department also collaborates with a number of counseling professionals within the school and around the district to provide comprehensive guidance and school counseling services to our students and families. Students are assigned to one guidance counselor, by alphabet, for grades nine through twelve.

Other functions of the Guidance Department include registration of new students entering grades nine through twelve, assisting students in creating a 4-year plan and schedule, counseling related to use and interpretation of PSAT scores, support and counseling related to adjustment issues or concerns, assisting students in the use of Naviance, and college and career counseling, including assistance in understanding SAT and ACT standardized testing and registration procedures.

All staff have confidential voice mail.


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