Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of March 16, 2020
I am sending the message that I read to our whole school on Friday…
I hope everyone is doing O.K. today. I know that many of you have been really worried about all of the talk about the Coronavirus. I am so sorry that this virus is something that we have to pay so much attention to, but with life comes both great joy and some difficulties. What we can do here at school is to keep taking care of ourselves and one another. Wash your hands a lot and be nice to each other. When people are worried, sometimes they need extra care. Remember, that this virus has not been making children very sick, but we have to take care of everyone by being careful not to spread germs.
AND, I am so sorry to families who might be terribly negatively affected by our school closure. This is certainly an unprecedented time for all of us. I will send more information early this week about any materials that we are preparing to support your children during this unexpected break. I’ll be at the school, so please feel free to call anytime. I’ll miss seeing your children!
Update from Dr Provost:
Copy-of-COVID-19-Fifth COVID-19-fifth-Spanish-1Photos
Check out these wonderful Creature Creations by our second graders!
This week’s photos show our wonderful musicians at our Spring Concert. I was happy we were able to just get this in before all the events were canceled. Thank you to Mrs. O’Connell for all of her creative efforts helping our student prepare for the performance.
There are also a couple of photos from our Read Across Ryan Road week. What a spirited first grade team!
Good News!
• Florence Bank–Customer Choice Awards! We were awarded $1,202 from Florence Bank. Thank you to all of you who voted for our school! This money will go towards the accessible playground equipment.
• During our Read Across Ryan Road Read-a-thon, we raised $2563! Wow! Thank you to everyone who chose to do extra reading and to collect money for a wheelchair accessible piece of playground equipment that we are hoping to get sometime soon.
• And, that’s not all! We delivered 223 pounds of food to the Survival Center. They were so grateful. Thanks to all who donated!
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, March 20: Report Cards sent home for grades 1-5 (The current plan is for these to be mailed home.)
Friday, April 17 at 9:15: Dance Off! Fingers crossed this will still be on!
April 20-24: School Vacation
I have received word from the Superintendent that our school year will not go any later than June 19.
Also, MCAS Testing 2020 Dates (so far there is no change)
Grade 3 (ELA)
April 1 & April 8
Grade 4 (ELA)
March 31 & April 7
Grade 5 (ELA)
April 2 & April 9
Grade 3 (Math)
May 6 & May13
Grade 4 (Math)
May 5 & May 12
Grade 5 (Math)
May 7 & May 14
Grade 5 (Science)
May 18 and May 20
Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal