Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of October 16

Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of October 16


Please join us for our Hispanic Heritage Fiesta on Thursday from 5:30-7:00. All are welcome to join in the food and music. Our counselor, Bill Owen, is organizing this, his FINAL FIESTA, as he will be retiring at Thanksgiving. Come one and all to celebrate Hispanic culture and to celebrate so many wonderful years with Mr. Owen!

Parent Conferences

Teachers are looking forward to meeting with parents during the week of October 23. Every day that week is an early release day for students with a 12:20 dismissal. Thank you to parents who signed up for a conference during Open House. If you were not able to make an appointment, please call the school office. Thank you!

I hope you enjoy the photos of kindergarten learning adventures with rainbow letter, lunchtime fun and a fun challenge in physical education class.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, October 18: PTO meeting at 6:30
  • Thursday, October 19: Hispanic Heritage Fiesta 5:30-7:00—All are welcome!
  • Friday, October 27: PTO Halloween Party 6:00-8:00

I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal