Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 27, 2017
I hope everyone enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving!
The PTO purchased three outdoor benches to honor several recent retirees. They have been in the lobby while we were getting concrete spots prepared out front, but they are now in place in look great! I attached a photo. Come and have a sit! Also, I attached a photo of Mr. Owen at his school celebration honoring his retirement. His blue bench is now in the lobby. It is lovely, and it will always remind us of him.
Mrs. Brown has replaced Mr. Owen as our School Counselor. She is looking forward to getting to know all of our Ryan Road families.
The Girls on the Run team recently completed a 5K run at Smith College. I included a photo of our fabulous team! Hooray for our girls and their coaches, Ms. Walden, Ms. Cleary, and Mrs. Ramsden.
The other photos show our kindergarten students enjoying Thanksgiving festivities! I don’t think there could be cuter turkeys anywhere!
Important Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, November 30 5:30-7:00 (continuous seating): R.K. Finn Ryan Road Spaghetti Supper at the Elks! Proceeds will go to the PTO’s Nature’s Classroom Fund.
- Wednesday, December 5 6:30-7:30: Kindergarten Information Night (for next year’s kindergarten)
- Wednesday, December 6: Early Dismissal (12:20) Teacher Work Day
- Friday, December 15: Pajama Day (sponsored by the Student Leadership Team) with requested donations to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund
- Thursday, December 21: Winter Solstice & last day of school before the holiday vacation. Also, report cards for grades 1-5 will be sent home.
- Tuesday, January 2: School Resumes.
I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal