Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 13

Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 13

Thank you to all our Veterans!

I hope families were able to enjoy the long weekend.

On Thursday afternoon, our 5th grade students returned from their week at Nature’s Classroom in Becket. Their singing from the bus could be heard down Ryan Road as eager parents awaited their return. Our students were fabulous and did a great job working together and living together. What an incredible bonding and learning experience out in nature. Thank you to all who helped make it happen and to all our parents for having the courage to send them off into the woods!

I’ve included some photos from their trip!


I’ve also included a photo from a first grade morning meeting and a recent kindergarten and 4th grade walking trip to the Vernal Pool. Both morning meetings and cross-grade level relationships are part of the practices our school participates in as part of our commitment to the Responsive Classroom approach to learning.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, November 15: PTO Meeting at 6:30
  • Friday, November 17: Photo Make-Up Day (& class photos are coming!)
  • Friday, November 17: 6:30 Movie Night! Showing: The Emoji Movie
  • Wednesday, November 22: Early Dismissal (12:20) for the Thanksgiving break
  • Thursday, November 30 5:30-7:00 (continuous seating): R.K. Finn Ryan Road Spaghetti Supper at the Elks! Proceeds will go to the PTO’s Nature’s Classroom Fund.
  • Wednesday, December 6: Early Dismissal (12:20) Teacher Work Day
  • Thursday, December 21: Winter Solstice & last day of school before the holiday vacation

I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal