Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of January 8
Winter Fun
The photos this week show some winter fun that we had on the one day it was warm enough to get outside. Hopefully, this week will allow for more snow fun! ! Please remember to bundle up your children with all the right gear for recess, as we go out unless it is below 15 degrees. Our students cannot play in the snow without all of the winter clothes below.
Help if you can!
Are there any parents who would like to help keep our extra winter gear organized this season? We always have extra outdoor clothing for students who need it, but this collection of clothing really needs to be tended to on a daily basis to keep things dry and organized. Any volunteers? It would not take very long near the end of the school day (anytime after 2:00). Let me know if you can help. Thank you!
Martin Luther King Celebration is on Friday, January 12 at 1:30!
Please join us for our annual celebration to honor and remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each class will be performing in some way during the celebration. Families and friends are invited to attend!
Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday, January 12: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at 1:30 All welcome!
- Wednesday, January 17 at 6:30: PTO Meeting
- Friday, January 19 at 6:30: Movie Night
- Wednesday, January 24: No School-Teacher Work Day
- February 19-23: Winter Vacation
I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal