Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of December 11
Winter Solstice Celebration
We will celebrate the new season on December 21 with a cheerful, noisy parade outside around the school at 2:15 (join in the fun by cheering us on if you are able!). Enjoying the start of each new season is a wonderful tradition here at R.K. Finn Ryan Road School. For the Winter Solstice we like to have the students enjoy clementines. If you can donate a box of clementines, please call the school office (587-1550). Thank you!
I hope all of you found the Hawk magnets that were sent home last Monday with every student. The PTO and I thought it would be nice for everyone to receive a magnet with our new snazzy logo. T-shirts, stickers, and magnets will go on sale again sometime in the early spring if you missed the chance to order.
There were some mistakes on our class photos, but they are will be coming to every student soon. We are so sorry for the delay. It has been a bit of a frustrating process.
I know that some of you have heard that Mr. K. will retire at the end of this month. We will miss his cheery devotion to our school community. He came to school with joy for learning every day. Mr. K. was a 5th grade teacher here for many years before he became our Student Support Specialist. I will let you know that plan for his position when we return to school in January.
Help if you can!
Are there any parents who would like to help keep our extra winter gear organized this season? We always have extra outdoor clothing for students who need it, but this collection of clothing really needs to be tended to on a daily basis to keep things dry and organized. Any volunteers? It would not take very long at the end of the school day (anytime after 2:00). Let me know if you can help. Thank you!
Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday, December 15: Pajama Day (sponsored by the Student Leadership Team) with requested $$ donations to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund
- Thursday, December 21: Winter Solstice & last day of school before the holiday vacation. Also, report cards for grades 1-5 will be sent home.
- Tuesday, January 2: School Resumes.
- Friday, January 12: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at 1:30 All welcome!
- Wednesday, January 17 at 6:30: PTO Meeting
- Friday, January 19 at 6:30: Movie Night
- Wednesday, January 24: No School-Teacher Work Day
I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal