Principal’s Update Week of Sept 18
I hope all families are doing well adjusting to the School routines of September. Things are going very well at school, but I know that it is an adjustment after summer for children to be so scheduled again. Please let me know if your child is having a hard time.
Last week we finished up our voting for our school mascot. The PTO is planning a “Spirit Gear” fundraiser for our school this year, and we thought it would be a good time to decide if we want a new mascot or stay with the bear. We have a fabulous graphic artist father (James, Hindle, who also designed our 50th birthday t-shirts), who said he would design a new logo with the mascot for the “Spirit Gear” and beyond! The school community voted in favor of becoming the Hawks. We have many hawks flying above our school, and we enjoy listening to their calls and watching them in flight, so I guess it is a good choice. Our “Bear Facts” family newsletter will become the “Hawk Highlights”. Be on the lookout for the first edition this week!
The photos this week show some of our adventures last week at school.
~ Our students are really enjoying the new basketball court!
~ We had many caterpillars make the magical metamorphosis into Monarch Butterflies last week, and the photos show their exciting release.
~ Our kindergarten students have been enjoying painting and other creative masterpieces!
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, September 20: PTO Ice Cream Social, Information Night, and Magician Ed Pop! Come and enjoy the fun and learn about what our PTO does for our school. All are welcome!
- Friday, September 22 Autumnal Equinox Celebration (we’ll need apple donations)
- Tuesday, September 26: School Photo Day
- Wednesday, October 4:
Early Dismissal (12:20)
Open House (6-7)
Title 1 Annual Meeting (5:30-6:00)
PTO Scholastic Book Fair (5:30-7:30)
I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal