Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of September 28, 2020
Greetings Caregivers!
I hope all of you are doing alright. This remote school is not ideal, and I cannot wait until the day when everyone can be back at school. Thank you for your communication and stamina. It is awfully hard. Thank you for picking up materials and dropping off student work. It is always nice to see you and your children, even if it is just for a few minutes or through my office window. It is good to have you around.
Please let me know if I can help in any way if you are struggling.
We are all doing the best we can with technology glitches. Thank you for your perseverance, patience, and communication. We are all doing the best we can, and I tell parents every day not to get too stressed if your child cannot get connected at certain points during the day for some reason. Hopefully, it will continue to get easier as we all get better at navigating in the cloud!
This week’s photos show another nice hopes and dreams bubble photo, our fabulous Ms. Cleary ready for online instruction (check out all the devices!), and some of our in person instruction outdoors at school.
If you ever have any health-related questions, you can always contact our school nurse, Karen Schiaffo at 587-1557 or email her at
Aimsweb Assessments: I have attached a letter about our efforts to complete Aimsweb Assessments as part of our “Response to Intervention” planning. I will keep you updated about this process as we move forward.
RtI-Caregiver-LetterReminder: By this time, teachers should have sent out specific classroom schedules, but I can let you know that the plan is to have students engaged in learning (with teacher/staff support) for the full school day on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and that Wednesday would be a lighter day with a morning and afternoon check in with the teacher, but more “independent” activities throughout the day. For this remote time, school “hours” will remain the same as they have been in the past 8:50-3:00 (on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays). If we can get to the Hybrid Model (hoping good health and a vaccine will get us there!), the schedule would obviously change, and I’ll send further information at that time.
Technology: If you are still in need of a chromebook, please contact the school office at 587-1550.
Our Technology Department is offering Technology Workshops for Caregivers. Check it out! I hope you able to “attend” something that might be helpful for you as you try and support your children online.
And, here are links if you need technical assistance:
ZOOM: (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 12pm-1pm)
Stay up to date (under normal circumstances or not!) with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal
***Many teachers will continue scheduling days for materials pick up. Our wonderful PTO is happy to help with material pick up/drop off if you could use that type of help. See information below.
Remote Learning Drop Off/Pick Up System: In this brave new world of remote learning, we would like to facilitate getting paperwork from teachers to students as needed. If you are unable to come to the school and your teacher has worksheets or other physical learning materials for your student, the PTO can help by picking up and/or dropping off documents on an as needed basis (once/week or every other week depending on need). Note that it will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to communicate when documents will need to be dropped off and picked up to the person driving. If you need help getting your students paperwork, please complete the following form: We will try to find someone who can drive documents to/from you for contactless pick-up. We ask that you have a phone number you can be reached at so we can coordinate, and live within 15 minutes from the school. If you are outside this range please reach out and we will see if we can find some way to assist. In addition, we are looking for drivers who can help us with drop off and pick up once per week or every other week. If this sounds like something you can help with, please reach out to us at Thank you to our wonderful community! Questions? Email |