Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of September 10

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of September 10

It was a wonderful week at school last week despite the terrible heat! Your children are real troopers! I hope all families are doing well adjusting to the school routines of September. Things are going very well at school, but I know that it is an adjustment after summer for children to be so scheduled again. Please let us know if your child is having a hard time.

We had our first fire drill on Thursday, and our students were fabulous. The fire fighters commented on the excellent, responsible exit of the building. We were all out in 1 minute and 35 seconds!

Classroom Snacks

This is a reminder that there is a time every day in classrooms when the students have snack. We hope that families will send a healthy snack if they are able. We realize, however, that sometimes families have a hard time providing snack for their children. I buy snacks that we have in the office, and some teachers and staff help with purchasing snacks when they are able, but these donations from our staff and me are meant to support families who really need the extra support or if students occasionally forget a snack. Please send a snack to school with your child(ren) if you are able. Thanks!

School Council Members Needed

We need three new parent School Council members. If you are interested, please let Principal, Sarah Madden, know.


The photos this week show 5th grade readers, kindergarten students exploring on “Forest Friday”, the start of fall gardening classes, and more bubble fun at recess.
There is always a lot going on here at school!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, September 12 at 6:00: PTO Ice Cream Social, Information Night, and Magician Ed Pop! Come and enjoy the fun and learn about what our PTO does for our school. All are welcome!
  • Friday, September 21: Autumnal Equinox Celebration (we’ll need apple donations)
  • Carnival! September 23: The District Elementary Schools will sponsor a collaborative carnival this year at JFK 12-4.
  • Tuesday, September 25: School Photo Day
  • Wednesday, October 3:
    • Early Dismissal (12:20)
    • Open House (6-7)
    • Title 1 Annual Meeting (5:30-6:00)
    • PTO Scholastic Book Fair (5:30-7:30)

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Sarah Madden, Principal