Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of October 9
October Greetings!
Open House
It was wonderful to see so many families at our Open House last week. What a delightful evening! If you were not able to get your family photo taken and would like to be included in our family photo display, you can stop in at the office before or after school, and we’ll make sure to take a photo to add to the community showing! We’ll get all the photos up the week of parent conferences. Thanks to our fabulous Mrs. Tompkins and Ms. Clarson for setting up outside by our outdoor classroom and basketball court and for taking all the photos!
Parent Conferences
Teachers are looking forward to meeting with parents during the week of October 22. Every day that week is an early release day for students with a 12:20 dismissal. Thank you to parents who signed up for a conference during Open House. If you were not able to make an appointment, please call the school office. Evening conferences are available from 6-8 on Tuesday and Thursday of that week. Thank you!
The photos this week show Mrs. Smiarowski and Mrs. Tompkins and their students releasing a newly hatched Monarch butterfly! Another photo shows one of our kindergarten students enjoying the new playhouse (thank you, PTO!) in the courtyard. The second graders are seen making globes out of painted paper plates. The last photo shows many of our 4th graders enjoying a picnic lunch on our wonderful picnic tables. We have such nice grounds here at our school.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, October 17: PTO meeting at 6:30
- Week of October 22-26: Parent Conference Week—Early dismissal (12:20) every day that week.
- PTO Halloween Party: October 26, 6:00-8:00
- Tuesday, November 6: No school for students (Teacher Work Day)
- Tuesday, November 6: Our 5th graders leave for 4 days and 3 nights to Nature’s Classroom in Becket, MA! They will return on Friday, November 9 (tired but happy!)
- Monday, November 12: No school for students (Veterans Day Observed)
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal