Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of October 19, 2020

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of October 19, 2020


• This week’s photos show some of the student assessments happening under the tent (such hard workers we have here at Ryan Road School), some of our kindergarten and third graders enjoying some distanced outside time together with teachers and classmates, AND a stick bug that we found on one of our material pick up tables (I think it was wanted to get into the box of books to find a good story!).

• Aimsweb Assessments: We have completed many of these important assessments outside under tents. It has been wonderful to see the students in person! Your child’s teacher should have already been in touch about the assessment schedule for your child(ren), and we will have some make-up days at the end of the testing if you are/were not able to get your child here for the scheduled day for their class. When you bring your child to school, please make sure they are wearing a mask and bring their own headphones (let us know if you need an additional pair of headphones). We will have students use hand sanitizer before the assessments and again before they return to you. Also, we will disinfect the chromebooks in between users. Your child will probably have a bit of time to play outdoors (socially distanced) in between the assessments and/or at the end. 

On the scheduled day of your child’s assessment, there will probably be no class Zooming or synchronous teaching. Teachers will communicate with you about the plan.

Other one-to-one assessments (very quick) are being completed in Zoom break-out rooms by one of our Title 1 teachers, special education teachers, or trained ESPs.

Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or concerns.


If you have a problem regarding your child’s chromebook, the plan going forward is listed here:

There are two options for caregivers (and if you need help with any of this, please call the school office (587-1550) :

Curriculum Information: Here is a letter from Nancy Cheevers, District Director of Curriculum and Assessment, regarding how you can access curriculum information for your child’s grade level.


School Council (repeated from last week): Here are caregivers who have agreed to continue serving on the School Council again this year: Stephanie Silverman, Co-Chair, Alissa Marotto, Kate Lepore, Jackie Newman. Please let any of us know if you have questions or concerns regarding our school or if you are interested in serving on the Council. I have attached a draft of our School Improvement Plan, which will be shared and approved at a School Committee meeting in the near future. 


Code of Conduct, Character, and Support (repeated from last week)

Over the past two years, a committee of many different members from our district’s school communities worked monthly to create a cohesive Code of Conduct for all schools. This document is meant to be a “living document”, meaning that each year we will review it with our school community to make edits to bring to the School Council for a vote. The new document looks at dealing with discipline through restorative practices and positive behavior (which completely aligns to our Ryan Road commitment to Responsive Classroom). Please let anyone on the School Council know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you!


REAL (Racial Equity & Learning) is a NEF–funded project that brings together Northampton public school teachers, staff, students & caregivers to fulfill the project’s mission: support & strengthen our school community by developing an intentionally anti-racist culture. Check out our website at and follow us on Facebook ( and Instagram (

REAL will be hosting an open meeting via zoom on Tuesday, October 27 from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. This will be an opportunity for new members to learn more about REAL and for current members to (re)connect in a less structured/more social environment than our current subcommittee meetings.

And REAL’s NPS Community Resource Network Subcommittee (formerly named “NPS Equitable Reopening”) will meet again on Tuesday, October 6 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.

If you would like to learn more about REAL and/or receive the zoom link for either of the above meetings, please contact REAL’s Bridge Street School parent representative, Annie Salsich, at Or one of the REAL co-leaders: Jenny Bender at, Kristen Elde at, or Deborah Keisch at

REAL is looking for a caregiver from Ryan Road to become more involved with this group. Are you interested? Email one of the leaders listed above.

Important Upcoming Dates

Thursday, October 22 at 6:45: School Committee Meeting (vote on remote or hybrid learning)

Tuesday, November 3: No School—Election Day

Wednesday, November 11: No School—Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 11: No School—Veterans Day

Wednesday (1/2 day) & Thursday and Friday (no school), November 25-27: Thanksgiving Holiday

Stay up to date (under normal circumstances or not!) with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal