Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 26

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 26

I hope all of you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break. It will be nice to see everyone back at school on Monday.

I included a photo of some delicious cookies that some of our 5th grade students made with Special Education Teacher, Judy Lyons. Once a month, some students at our school make dessert for the homeless shelter on Center Street in Northampton.  This is just one way that we can contribute to our larger community.


Also, I included a photo of our 5th graders on their trip to Nature’s Classroom. What a great crew!

Some of our kindergarten students are seen eating some kale salad that they made with Grow Food Northampton. We partner with them in many ways. They organize our “Red Bag” program that brings fresh produce to school and Florence Heights for 10 weeks in the fall, they sponsor trips to Crimson and Clover Farm, and they facilitate educational cooking programs that incorporate healthy foods in our classrooms.

Another photo shows our incredible first grade feast with families. We had first grade and kindergarten feasts that were really wonderful. Thank you to all of you who participated!

The last photo shows me (principal, Sarah Madden) with one of our fabulous Girls on the Run just after we finished the 5K race last weekend. We had a good run!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • December 5: Early Dismissal (12:20) for Teacher Work Day
  • December 21: Winter Solstice and last day of school before the holiday break

On the Solstice, we will have our traditional noisy parade around the outside of the school at 2:15 and then have a treat of Clementines (we will needdonations).

  • Also, on Friday, December 21, the Student Leadership Team will be sponsoring Pajama Day, with donations going to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund.
  • January 2, 2019: Return to school

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.



Sarah Madden, Principal