Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 19

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 19

Snowy Greetings!

The early snowstorm was certainly a surprise, but most of the students at school really enjoyed the fun, wintery recesses outdoors. I attached a few photos of happy snow lovers!


Another photo (from a day just before the snowfall!), our first graders enjoyed an outdoor adventure with Mr. Ted. Mr. Ted, and our collaboration with the Hitchcock Center is such a wonderful part of our school. We received funding once again from the Massachusetts Cultural Council for us to continue the work! Yea!

Last week, we also celebrated our wonderful ESPs (Educational Support Professionals). I attached a photo of our fabulous kindergarten team of teachers and ESPs! We are so grateful to have such dedicated people in our school community.

Other photos show some of our 4th grade Learning Buddies making Thanksgiving placemats with their kindergarten friends. These relationships are such a nice part of our school.


The weekend was fun with our Friday night Movie Night and our Girls on the Run 5K on Sunday morning at Smith College. Hooray for our runners and our coaches!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday November 21: Early dismissal (12:20) for the Thanksgiving break
  • Thursday, November 22 & 23: No School—Thanksgiving holiday
  • December 5: Early Dismissal (12:20) for Teacher Work Day
  • December 21: Winter Solstice and last day of school before the holiday break
    On the Solstice, we will have our traditional noisy parade around the outside of the school at 2:15 and then have a treat of Clementines (we will need donations).
  • Also, on Friday, December 21, the Student Leadership Team will be sponsoring Pajama Day, with donations going to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund.
  • January 2, 2019: Return to school

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Sarah Madden, Principal