Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of November 18
Chilly November Greetings!
This week’s photos show some of the fabulous time we had at our first Harvest Celebration. It was really wonderful. We had Ms. Hope from SchoolSprouts and Michael Skillicorn from Grow Food Northampton helping to make this event delicious and educational. Many classes made harvest-full food for us to sample and enjoy. We also had popped corn from corn grown right in our garden. It was a really nice celebration of gardening.
Other photos show our banner carriers (thank you, Sias Family) at the Veterans Day Parade, Movie Night (record audience!), and our Student Leadership Team at the trail head of the new trail in our neighborhood. We will be taking an All-School Walk there on Friday. I attached an informational flyer with maps as an FYI in case you are curious about where the new trail is. Parents are welcome to join us on our walk on Friday. We are planning to leave by 9:15.
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, November 20: National Education Support Professionals Day. We have an incredible crew of ESPs!
Friday, November 22: All-School Walk to the new Rocky Hill Trail!
Wednesday, November 27: Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Holiday (return to school on
December 2)
Wednesday, December 4: Early Dismissal at 12:20 for Teacher Work Day
Friday, December 13: Report Cards go home (for students in grades 1-5)
December 20: Pajama Day (donations for the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund) and Winter Solstice Celebration. This is also the last day of school before the Holiday Break.
January 2, 2020: Return to School!
Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal