Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of May 31, 2022
I hope you had a good long weekend.
This week’s photos show next year’s Principal, Karen Albano, and me. It was funny that on the day she visited with staff and families, that we ended up dressing so similarly. We thought it was a good omen. Thanks to those of you who were able to come to school to meet her.
Other photos show some third-grade gardeners hard at work. And, there is a good photo of some 4th grade pop stars from our Talent Show. It was a wonderfully diverse bunch of acts! Ryan Road certainly does have talent, and I thank parent, Lauren Fleit, for all your organizing and planning. We had a large and supportive group of spectators, too!
And, here’s a great video of kindergarten experiential learning!
COVID Update
A COVID Update from Dr. Provost is attached. It was sent from his office on Friday, but is also here in case you missed it.
May-27-COVID- May-27-COVID-Spanish-I was glad that we didn’t have any positive pools last week. Please communicate with your children about whether or not you would like them to mask indoors at school.
And, I’ve attached another good resource here for families grappling with how to help children cope with tragedy.
HelpingChildrenCopeWithTragedy_eng HelpingChildrenCopeWithTragedy_espPoem
And, here is a poem by Amanda Gorman.
PoemGreat News!
~ We received an accessibility grant for our playground boat! This is such good news and something that we have been working towards for a long time! Thank you to caregivers, Kaitlin Alayan and Tom Murphy for their help with the grant!
It will be something like the photo below and will be located between the gazebo and the picnic tables. I am beyond happy about this!
Florence Bank
We also received $1,648.48 from Florence Bank for the Customer’s Choice Awards! Thank you to everyone who voted for our school!
Please remember to send a snack to school with your child if you are able. We always have snacks in the office for those in need, but we have had A LOT of students coming to the office for snacks lately. Thank you!
School Committee Communication FYI:
Gwen Agna, At Large and Vice Chair member of the Northampton School Committee will hold her monthly “office hours” in the small park by the flagpole in front of Northampton High School at 3:30-5:00pm on Monday, June 6, 2022. All are invited to attend to ask questions and discuss issues facing us in Northampton.
Thanks so much.
Important Upcoming Dates
June 1: Incoming Kindergarten Family Tour at 4:30
June 8: Early Dismissal (11:30) Teacher Work Day
June 10: Field Day! Yea! Contact Ms. Minton if you want to help.
June 20: No School–Juneteenth
June 24: 5th Grade Celebration 12:30
June 27: Last day of School (11:30 dismissal)
Stay up to date with all of our school calendar on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you or we can talk on the phone anytime.
Sarah Madden, Principal