Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of May 28
Photos this week show one of our final YEP classes—Mrs. Cleary’s craft class. The students are displaying their crafty airplanes and yummy popsicles. YEP is over for the 2018-2019 school year. It was wonderful to have so many students participate throughout the year.
We also welcomed JFK students to our school on Thursday for the Day of Service. They weeded, read with students, played games, and helped teachers prepare materials during the morning. It was nice to have them and fun to see some former students.
Thursday night was our Talent Show, and we displayed A LOT of talent! It was a wonderful event with 27 different acts. Many thanks to Lauren Fleit for coordinating this incredible show, and to Jenny Kass for helping her pull it off. Thanks, too, to our fabulous PTO for offering yummy food during the show.
The other photos are from our wonderful Memorial Day program on Friday. Our students did such a delightful job, and it was very nice to have such a large and supportive audience.
The last photo shows R.K. Finn Ryan Road marching in the Memorial Day Parade!
No More Walking Wednesdays this year.
Our teachers are not able to participate in Walking Wednesdays for the rest of this year, but hopefully, we’ll be back at it next May! Keep walking and biking with your children if you are able!
Important Upcoming Dates
• May 29 5:30-7:00 Kindergarten Potluck (incoming and outgoing kindergarten families).
• June 7: Field Day! K-2 in the morning, and 3-5 in the afternoon
• June 12, 2:00-2:50: Celebrate Nature! We will have a celebration highlighting some of our environmental work collaborating with Mr. Ted from the Hitchcock Center. Please join us from 2:00-2:50 to see exhibits in classrooms! See attached flyer!
• June 13 at 1:30: 5th Grade Celebration
• June 14: Last day of school! Early dismissal at 12:20
• August 28: First day of School for the 2019-2020 school year (for grades 1-5)
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal