Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 1, 2020

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 1, 2020

Dear Families/Caregivers,

• An interesting podcast I read about…The Kids Are All…Home

Garden Update

• Here is a GARDEN UPDATE. The Garden Committee is planning some family work days, and we hope to get some interest, involvement and workers. We are lucky to have our little garden, and it takes a community to keep it going. The first Garden Work Bee is this Tuesday, June 2 from 4:30-6:30. Thank you! 


From Food Service Director, Mistelle Hannah: 

Attached are the links to the free/reduced application for the 2019-2020 school year. This application is good for the first 30 days of the upcoming school year. A new application will be required after that time.  The new applications are typically released in early July and made available to families at the beginning of the school year. Since we anticipate some families have had a change of circumstances since this has begun it benefits them to get the application in for this school year. One less thing to worry about.

End of Year Pick Up

Teachers have been coming in to pack up student belongings and work from the year. I’ve included a schedule for grade level student and family pick- ups in the parking lot. On the day/time listed, you can drive through the parking lot, and your child’s masked and gloved teachers will give your child a cheery hello (and good-bye) and give you the bag of belongings.  Let me know if you have questions or concerns about this. This is certainly not ideal, but it will bring some closure. A flyer is also attached.

KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5
June 19-3:30June 29-3:30June 39-3:30June 49-3:30June 59-3:30June 159-3:30

Read Aloud

• I am continuing to share a read aloud in my Weekly Update that you can share with your children if you think they would like it. This week my sister, Penelope Pumpernickel is back reading Brave Irene.

Friday Fun Challenge Videos!

We post the photos from the Friday Fun Challenge on the following Friday when we announce the birthdays and the next Fun Friday Challenge. Any photos for this project should be sent to your child’s teacher any time before the next Wednesday at 9:00. 

I loved all the photos of your crazy hair and hats last week! Keep the fun coming! Here’s that video in case you missed it on Friday! You can find all of the Friday Fun on our website. 


• The photos this week show photos of clothing that was left in the cafeteria. Do any of these items belong to you? If so, please let me know (call the school or email me), so that I can make sure to get that item into your child’s bag of belongings for the Family Pick Up this week!

Remote Learning

Remote Learning will continue until the “last day of school” on June 15. However, all of the online resources that teachers have created during this closure will be available to students over the summer. I hope your children will take advantage of these resources over the summer. And, of course, I’ll continue to communicate with you regarding any re-opening school plans.

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything. I am often in the building, and can talk through the window or over the phone.


Sarah Madden, Principal