Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of March 25

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of March 25

Spring Greetings!

Check out the photos from our Spring Concert! What a wonderful event! The students did such a nice job, and I loved the creative use of all sort of instruments. Ms. O’Connell orchestrated a beauty!

The other photos this week our Vernal Equinox celebration, complete with dancing and “syrup on snow”.

Also, one photo shows Mrs. Tompkins being celebrated by staff on her last day of school before retirement. She will certainly be missed!

Another photo shows our school-wide support of The Funding Our Future Campaign. Let’s hope our schools will receive more needed funding.

Report Cards

Report cards for grades 1-5 were sent home on Friday, March 22. Please return the signed envelope. If you did not receive your child’s report card, call the office and let us know. Also, I wanted you to know that the specialist subjects (art, music and PE) do not give March grades. Your child will receive a grade for these subjects again in June. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you to all those who donated as part of our Ryan Road Gives Day!

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Important Upcoming Dates

• Wednesday, March 27 at 6:00: NEF Spelling Bee (We have a team of Mr. Joe, Ms. Rapacki, and Ms. Drabek!)

• Thursday, March 28: Family Game Night! 6:00-7:00

There will also be a PTO Sale of Ladies Clothing and Norwex (which are all natural cleaning products) in the library during Family Game Night from 5-7pm.

• Saturday morning, April 6, 2019, 9:30—11:30 am


• Tuesday, April 9: Spaghetti Supper (and other fun!) at the Elks! Proceeds go to our Nature’s Classroom fund.

• April 12: Dance Off (at 9:15) and Crazy Hat and Hair Day

• April 15-19 Spring Vacation

MCAS Testing 2019 Dates

Grade 3 (ELA)

April 3 & April 10

Grade 4 (ELA)

April 2 & April 9 

Grade 5 (ELA)

April 4 & April 11 

Grade 3 (Math)

May 1 & May 8

Grade 4 (Math)

April 30 & May 7 

Grade 5 (Math)

May 2 & May 9 

Grade 5 (Science)

May 14 and May 16 

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal