Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 3

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 3


Photos this week show some of our amazing State Fair displays. Our 4th graders did such a nice job with their projects. The rest of the school enjoyed coming to the fair, and everyone learned a lot about our United States!

Other photos some of our 4th graders displaying their pottery bowls. We have really enjoyed having our new kiln this year, and we thank all of the donors and our creative art teacher, Ms. Macutkiewicz!

The other photos show our 3rd graders on their recent trip to Look Park. They studied collected pond specimens back in the classroom with our naturalist, Ted Watt.

Our Girls on the Run crew completed their 5K Race on Sunday! Well done, girls!

Last Friday, our 5th graders went to the Connecticut Science Center, and this was a wonderful opportunity! All of our field trips are funded by our fabulous PTO! You would be surprised at the cost of a school bus for a field trip. Our students have enriched learning because of the hard work and generosity of our PTO. Come to the last meeting of this year o Wednesday night. Thank our outgoing President (Caroline Bertrand) and Vice-President (Amy Sidoti), and welcome new leadership! We will have new Co-Presidents (Shannon Hicks and Emily Hindle) and a new Vice President (Amanda Castine). We are glad to have our treasurer (Lindsay Goshgarian) return for another year, but the PTO is looking for someone to “shadow” her next year. Also, the PTO needs a secretary for the upcoming school year. Come and check out all this fun and important work on Wednesday night at 6:30 in the school library. Thank you!

Important Upcoming Dates

• June 5: Last PTO Meeting of this school year at 6:30

• June 7: Field Day! K-2 in the morning, and 3-5 in the afternoon

• June 12, 2:00-2:50: Celebrate Nature! We will have a celebration highlighting some of our environmental work collaborating with Mr. Ted from the Hitchcock Center. Please join us from 2:00-2:50 to see exhibits in classrooms! See attached flyer!

• June 13 at 1:30: 5th Grade Celebration

• June 14: Last day of school! Early dismissal at 12:20

• August 28: First day of School for the 2019-2020 school year (for grades 1-5)

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal