Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 11
Thank you to all the parent volunteers during Field Day!
We could not do it without you! It was a fabulous day.
Special thanks to Ms. Minton for organizing such a fun event!!
Photos this week’s photos show some of the exciting times during Field Day on Friday.
On Friday, June 15 at 2:00, we will have a celebration highlighting some of our environmental work collaborating with Mr. Ted from the Hitchcock Center. Please join us from 2:00-2:50 to see exhibits in classrooms (except for grade 5, who will be the Connecticut Science Center).
Important Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, June 12 9:15-11:00: 4th Grade State Fair
- June 14 5:30-7:00 Kindergarten Potluck—Potluck dinner for incoming and outgoing kindergarten families. Call the school office for information.
- June 15 at 2:00: Celebrate Nature! Classroom exhibits showing some of our environmental work this year.
- June 19 at 1:30: 5th Grade Celebration
- June 20: Last Day of School with a 12:20 dismissal
- August 30: First day of school for grades 1-5
I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden