Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of January 6, 2020

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of January 6, 2020

Happy New Year!

It was nice to see everyone after the holiday break! 

Our Student Leadership Team wanted to thank everyone who donated to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund as part of our fun Pajama Day on the day before vacation. We raised $167.44!


We also had a fabulous Winter Solstice Parade around the school and all-school singing of solstice songs. We then enjoyed delicious clementines. Thank you to all who donated yummy fruit for our celebration. It was a fun send off to our vacation!

This week’s photos show some members of our Student Leadership Team in their pajamas saying good morning and collecting donations. I hope some of you saw the article about our school in the Hampshire Gazette on December 21.

Also, there is a photo of some recess shovelers making sure that the ramp to the gazebo is clear of snow.

Other photos are of our Winter Solstice Celebration.

Other photos show the kindergarten snow globe art project that is really wonderful and is now decorating our lobby. Come and check it out!

The last photo is of one of our amazing PTO Christmas Tree Pick Up volunteers. The volunteers picked up over 100 trees and made over $1,700 for our PTO. Yea!

Teacher Hour

Florence Heights “Teacher Hour”. Check out the attached flyer about the Ryan Road Teaching Hour at Florence Heights. It starts on Tuesday, January 7. 


Community Calendar

It’s not too late to get your 2020 Community Calendar! They are available for $10 in the school office. Every month has a photo of one of our classes with a community leader.

Martin Luther King Celebration

Martin Luther King Celebration is on Thursday, January 16 at 1:30. Please join us for our annual celebration to honor and remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each class will be performing in some way during the celebration. Families and friends are invited to attend!

Important Upcoming Dates

January 10 at 6:00: Movie Night

January 15 at 6:30: PTO Meeting

Thursday, January 16 at 1:30: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration. All are welcome!

Friday, January 17: No School—Teacher Work Day

Monday, January 20: No School—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal