Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of February 28, 2022

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of February 28, 2022

Hello Caregivers,

It is hard to believe that tomorrow will be March 1! Spring is coming!

Northampton Public Schools Caregiver Survey! 

Please take this caregiver survey regarding family engagement, so that we can hear your voice!  English Spanish  French Swahili  Kinyarwanda Chinese Burmese 


This week’s photos show some highlights from our 5th grade Robotics Week! What an incredible learning experience our 5th graders had the week before vacation! Many thanks to Ms. Mariani-Prall and Mr. Yagodzinski for working together on this learning journey! Also, there are some photos from our Kindergarten Parade and celebration on the 100th day of school.  What fun!

Here are the excited 5th grade learners in the TechKnowledgeY Lab!

Read Across Ryan Road

Read Across Ryan Road is this week! Yea! I hope you all received paperwork about this wonderful week before vacation (if not, call the office, and we’ll send another copy!). Here is an overview of the events of the week.


Art Class

I let you know that our art teacher, Leslie Macutkiewicz has been out on a medical leave (she is on the road to recovery!). We were able to hire a long-term substitute, Lisa Bastoni. She has been doing a fabulous job and is enjoying working with your children. 

MCAS Testing this Spring

Our students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be taking MCAS tests this spring. The English Language Arts MCAS will take place in April, and the Math MCAS will take place in May. All of the MCAS assessments are now online.  It is very important that students be present for testing and arrive to school on time.  We encourage families to avoid making appointments for students on testing days.

It is important to remember that any test is only one measure of a child’s performance at school. Teacher evaluations through the years, day-to-day work, and other types of performance assessments and projects are additional ways to evaluate learning. However, these tests are important, and we will be doing all we can to prepare our students to take these tests with calm confidence.  

Some parents have asked for more information about MCAS tests. Here is a resource link to practice tests that we will be using at school, but you can also take a look at them at home if you wish.

(CBT references Computer Based Tests and PBT references Paper Based Tests.)

MCAS Testing 2022 Dates for Ryan Road School

Grade 3 (ELA) — April 6 & April 13

Grade 4 (ELA) — April 5 & April 12                   

Grade 5 (ELA) — April 7 & April 14 

Grade 3 (Math) — May 4 & May 13

Grade 4 (Math) — May 3 & May 10 

Grade 5 (Math) — May 5 & May 12 

Grade 5 (Science) — May 17 and May 19 

COVID Updates

Pool Testing Update: As you might have seen in district communication, all of our pools before vacation were negative. Yea! Let’s hope we can stay on a roll. We are doing additional testing if necessary and communicating with any close contacts. We continue to be very careful at school so that we do not have any in-school transmissions. 

Also, Superintendent Provost, recently called with information about at-home testing. Here is the link to that information and links to sign up:

Home tests went home with students who signed up for home testing on Thursday. 

I’ve also attached the District’s most recent Health Letter Update (2/8/22).


Here is a handy QR Code to sign up for testing at school if you wish to have your child participate in weekly testing and/or Test and Stay! If the QR code does not work for you, call Nurse Karen or the school office, and we can send you the consent form.


Please stay vigilant regarding COVID safety and get vaccinated if you have not already done so. I am glad that I have heard from so many of our students that they have been vaccinated, as this is the best way to keep the whole school community safe. 

And, here is an updated Testing Resource Document that Nurse Karen created in case you are looking for outside testing spots.


Call (587-1557) or email our wonderful nurse, Karen Schiaffo, if you have any health questions.

Thank you for keeping your child home if they are ill. Here is a link with some guidelines to help you make the decision: 


 Please remember that if your child buys Milk Only or an extra milk, your account will be charged $.50.

Morning Drop Off

Thank you for doing all you can to get your children to school on time. It really helps to start the day right when they can be a part of morning meeting, when classes focus on community building and share information about the day ahead. Also, please use the drop off area and have your child use the cross walk. Cars should not be entering the bus loop. These safety rules and routines are important. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Important Upcoming Dates

March 8 from 2:30-5:30: Kindergarten Registration here at Ryan Road

March 11: Early Dismissal (11:30) for Teacher Work Day

March 25: Report Cards (Grades 1-5) sent home

Stay up to date with all of our school calendar on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you after school hours (when I can allow you inside!) or can talk on the phone anytime. 


Sarah Madden, Principal