Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of December 9

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of December 9


Our Student Leadership Team wants to remind you that they have organized a “Little Toy Drive”. The flyer with information is attached. Let me know if you have any questions.


This week’s photos show Mrs. Pefaur’s class at Morning Meeting. Morning Meeting, which is part of Responsive Classroom, provides an opportunity for all of our students to be greeted by name every day and to have opportunities to share and feel part of a strong classroom community.

Another photo shows some of our kindergarten musicians learning the ukulele in music class. They sounded pretty good!

Other photos show some fun in the snow. We always love getting outside at R.K. Finn Ryan Road School!

Important Upcoming Dates

Florence Bank Customers – Please vote!

If you are a Florence Bank Customer, please vote for us in the Customers’ Choice Community Grants program: – last year we were awarded over $1000, so this really helps!

Friday, December 13: Report Cards go home (for students in grades 1-5)

December 20: Pajama Day (donations for the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund) and Winter Solstice Celebration. On the Solstice, we will have our traditional noisy parade around the outside of the school at 2:15 and then have a treat of Clementines (we will need donations). This is also the last day of school before the Holiday Break.

  Can you donate some Clementines for our Winter Solstice Celebration on Friday, December 20? Call the school office and let us know. Thank you!

January 2, 2020: Return to School!

January 10 at 6:00: Movie Night

January 15 at 6:30: PTO Meeting

Thursday, January 16 at 1:30: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration. All are welcome!

Friday, January 17: No School—Teacher Work Day

Monday, January 20: No School—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Florence Bank Customers – Please vote!

If you are a Florence Bank Customer, please vote for us in the Customers’ Choice Community Grants program: – last year we were awarded over $1000, so this really helps!

Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal