Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of December 17

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of December 17

Thank you for the donations of gloves and mittens! We are always in need, so if you ever want to give again, we will gladly accept. Thank you!


Photos this week are from some exciting events here at school.

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Several were taken during our first ever Robotics Week, planned by our Technology Integration Specialist, Rocky Mariani-Prall and 5th grade teacher, Mr. Y. It was fabulous! By the end of the week, our 5th graders were teaching second and third graders about how to program their robots!


In third grade, Mr. Ted was working with us as our young engineers created beaver dams and tested out their strength to hold back water. Great science in action!

The last photo shows how much fun kindergarten students can have at recess, even with just a little bit of snow! One of our new ESPs, Mr. Joe, is watching over the hill. We also welcomed Ms. Drabek into our school community as an ESP. We are very happy to have them both!

Winter Solstice Celebration

We will celebrate the new season on December 21 with a cheerful, noisy parade outside around the school at 2:15 (join in the fun by cheering us on if you are able!). Enjoying the start of each new season is a wonderful tradition here at R.K. Finn Ryan Road School. For the Winter Solstice we like to have the students enjoy clementines. If you can donate a box of clementines, please call the school office (587-1550). Thank you!

Florence Bank Community Choice Awards

If you are a Florence Bank customer, please vote for RK Finn Ryan Road School before December 31. It will earn money for our school! Thank you!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • December 21: Winter Solstice and last day of school before the holiday break

On the Solstice, we will have our traditional noisy parade around the outside of the school at 2:15 and then have a treat of Clementines (we will need donations).

  • Also, on Friday, December 21, the Student Leadership Team will be sponsoring Pajama Day, with donations going to the Sydney F. Smith Toy Fund.
  • Also, report cards (for grades 1-5) will be sent home on Friday.
  • January 2, 2019: Return to school
  • January 11: Movie Night at 6:00
  • Friday, January 18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at 1:30. All classes will perform and families and friends are welcome to join us.
  • Monday, January 21: No School MLK Holiday
  • Friday, January 25: No School Teacher Work Day

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.



Sarah Madden, Principal