Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of August 31, 2020
Greetings Caregivers!
I have started my weekly routine of sending a Principal’s Weekly Update every Monday via email. The Update will also be put on our school website. Please let me know if you feel like any particular information would be helpful to share as we navigate this school year.
A reminder (from my Welcome Letter sent on Thursday, August 27):
Chromebook pick-up here at school for students who need a device on September 2.
Distribution times will be from 9AM-2PM at school and will be broken down as follows:
9-10: Kindergarten– Devices will only be given out to those who need them in these grades but caregivers should pick up their Clever badge and instructions for login.
10-11: First and Second Grade– Devices will only be given out to those who need them in these grades but caregivers should pick up their Clever badge and instructions for login.
11-12: 3rd grade—all students will receive a device
12-1: 4th grade—all students will receive a device
1-2: 5th grade—all students will receive a device
More information is listed here. Anyone who wants to do the Protection Plan will want to bring money or a check at that time for ease of recording and because we will know the condition of the machine before it leaves our campus.
Please call the school office if you have any questions.
This week’s photos show some parking lot fun with some of our students. I have loved all the visits to the school and playground by so many of you this summer. Seeing students is always the highlight of my day!
Also, our gardens are looking nice! Make sure to notice when you stop at school. Thank you to those of you who helped care for our school garden during the summer, and especially to Stacia Potter, who organized our caregiver volunteers. Stacia does an awful lot of work out there to keep things growing well.
I have included an informational document about children and masks.
Face-Coverings-1I also included a welcome letter from our school nurse, Karen Schiaffo.
Letter-from-Nurse-Karen-Schiaffo-1Our Technology Department is offering Technology Workshops for Caregivers. Check it out! I hope you able to “attend” something that might be helpful for you as we navigate this remote world.
Stay up to date (under normal circumstances or not!) with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal