Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of April 29
Photos this week show our Earth Day activities of planting flowers and picking up trash. We had some great workers! Also, it was an exciting week because our magnolia tree in the courtyard was in full and beautiful bloom. We could smell it all over the school. The kindergarten students were loving the outdoor play! We were also busy again in our garden area. Yea for the worms!
Some of our kindergarten students were doing some nature drawings of forsythia, which turned out so beautifully. Check out this fine art in our lobby.
Some other photos show our first grade non-fiction writing celebration. We had a fabulous turn out of interested readers.
And, the final photo is of our new cafeteria trays! No more throw away trays, as our new dishwasher is up and running. Three cheers to our food service staff! Lunch Hero Day is on Friday, May 3.
Placement Plans for Next Year
(repeated announcement)
It is hard to believe that I am starting to think about the 2019-2020 school year, but I wanted to let you know that we will conduct the process of class placement similarly to the way we did the last several years. Class placement decisions will be made by the end of this school year, and your child’s teacher for next year will be communicated to you with his/her end of year report card. Also, we plan to have a brief gathering of next year’s classes and teachers on the last day of school. We have found that this process eliminates some of the summer anxiety that can occur by waiting until the end of the summer. I have received positive feedback about the process from students, teachers, and families.
I will be working carefully with teachers to create class groupings that work well together and build positive, productive learning communities. Families cannot select teachers, and I know that we will all work well together to ensure a good year ahead for all of our students. All of the teachers at our school are committed to developing positive relationships and nurturing academic success. However, if you feel that you have necessary information to share with me before this process begins, please do not hesitate to contact me by Friday, May 17.
Pride Parade
We will once again join with the other Northampton Public Schools and march in the Pride Parade on Saturday, May 4. Anyone interested can join us! Wear your Ryan Road Spirit Gear!
The parade kicks off at 11:00. I suggest all those with small children arrive at 10:30-10:45 to avoid having to wait for a long time with them. Look for other school folks somewhere near the Northampton Brewery. Parking is always tricky.
The parade ends at the Northampton Fair Grounds. It takes between an hour and 90 minutes to march to the fair grounds from the Brewery.
We will hopefully have a trailer again this year for interested children (exact details TBA).
It is good to bring water and sunscreen and possibly earplugs depending on how sensitive you and/or your children are to noise. This event can get very loud.
Memorial Day Parade
R.K. Finn Ryan Road School will also be marching in the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27. More information will come on the timing of that event.
Important Upcoming Dates
• April 29: Walking/Running Club begins at recesses for interested students
• May 4: Pride Parade (see included information if you want to march)
• May 10 4:00-6:00: Art Show & Reception at JFK
• May 15: PTO at 6:30
• May 17: Early Dismissal at 12:20 (Teacher Work Day)
• May 21 and 22: Kindergarten Buddy Days (we welcome new kindergarten students for a visit!)
• May 24 at 1:30: Memorial Day Program (all classes will present)
• May 27: Memorial Day Parade—Do you want to join us?
• May 29 5:30-7:00 Kindergarten Potluck (incoming and outgoing kindergarten families).
• June 7: Field Day
• June 13 at 1:30: 5th Grade Celebration
• June 14: Last day of school! Early dismissal at 12:20
MCAS Testing 2019 Dates
Grade 3 (Math)
May 1 & May 8
Grade 4 (Math)
April 30 & May 7
Grade 5 (Math)
May 2 & May 9
Grade 5 (Science)
May 14 and May 16
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal