Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of April 26, 2021

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of April 26, 2021

Dear Caregivers,

I hope you were able to have a nice week with your children during the April break. It will be wonderful to see everyone back at school this week!


• This week’s wonderful photos show 5th graders and 1st graders doing some spring gardening, kindergarten students doing some outdoor engineering with their 4th grade buddies, frisbee fun, and basketball! Yea for the hoops getting put back up last week. Also, one photo shows some of our 4th graders at outdoor lunch under the tent (the older students were real troopers at the end of last week when the weather was so awful—most still opted to eat out under the tent). Hopefully we’re all done with snow. ☺

• We will continue with our school gardening this week with our garden educator from School Sprouts, Hope Guardenier. Each class will have 4 sessions with Hope this spring (always on Tuesdays). 

MCAS Dates and Information 2021

Third Grade Duffy

Monday, May 10–ELA (yes, it is also picture day—that should not be a problem) 

Monday, May 24—Math

Third Grade Cleary

Friday, May 14—ELA

Friday, May 28—Math

Fourth Grade Desmond

Thursday, May 13—ELA

Thursday, May 27—Math

Fourth Grade Simmons

Monday, May 17—ELA

Tuesday, May 25—Math

Fifth Grade (both classes)

Friday, May 21—ELA

Friday, June 4—Math

Thursday, June 10—Science

We will do all we can at school to make these days go smoothly for your children. It is important to remember that any test is only one measure of a child’s performance at school, especially this year! Teacher evaluations through the years, day-to-day work, other academic screeners we use during the year, and other types of performance assessments and projects are additional ways to evaluate learning. However, these tests are important, and we will do all we can to prepare our students to take these tests with calm confidence. All of the tests are taken online, and the state has modified them this year to only take place one day per subject area (instead of the usual two days per subject).

Please make every effort to get your children to school on time for their testing days. Please do not schedule appointments on testing days. Thanks!

Please contact me with any questions and concerns (about the MCAS or anything else).

From our Nurse, Karen Schiaffo:

The COVID-19 protocol is as follows:  

In order to minimize risk and keep the school community safe, district nurses are required 

to send students home that have 1 symptom.  Symptoms include: headache, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, chills, fatigue, body aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, or fever since these mimic COVID-like illness. Caregivers will be asked to contact their health care provider to see if testing is needed. There may be other diagnoses that cause these symptoms and your provider can discuss that with you.  In order for your student to return to school, you will need to provide a negative test result or a note from your provider documenting an alternative diagnosis as the cause for the symptoms. 

Many students experience seasonal allergies at this time of year and allergy symptoms can mimic COVID-like symptoms. Please consult your child’s health care provider about treating your child’s seasonal allergy to avoid your child being sent home for symptoms that appear Covid-like. 

Remember to review the Student Daily Checklist before sending your child to school. 

Thank you for your cooperation.  

Information About Upcoming Parent Workshops:

As a school district, we aim to support families through this difficult time. So, we’ve invited Dr. Sharon Saline, local clinical psychologist and international ADHD expert, to offer some workshops based on your survey responses about mental health. These presentations are aimed at improving daily life for students and caregivers during these challenging times. 

Building better brains: Helping children learn critical executive functioning skills for school and life

Are you tired of struggling with your child over school, homework or chores? Would you like more strategies in your parenting toolbox? In this dynamic and interactive workshop, Dr. Sharon Saline, author, international speaker and consultant, will show you how to foster progress at home and school by working with your kids to improve their executive functioning skills. Using current research about the brain, neurodiversity and social-emotional development, Dr. Saline will offer new approaches to daily challenges while reducing family conflict and building better connections. With a deeper understanding of these skills, you’ll be able to create more effective strategies to nurture your child’s cognitive strengths and self-esteem. You will walk away with easy, practical tools to improve motivation, organization, follow through and much more. 

Building better brains: Helping teens learn critical executive functioning skills for school and life

Are you tired of struggling with your teen over school, homework or chores? Would you like more strategies in your parenting toolbox? In this dynamic and interactive workshop, Dr. Sharon Saline, author, international speaker and consultant, will show you how to foster progress at home and school by working with your kids to improve their executive functioning skills. Using current research about the brain, neurodiversity and social-emotional development, Dr. Saline will offer new approaches to daily challenges while reducing family conflict and building better connections. With a deeper understanding of these skills, you’ll be able to create more effective strategies to nurture your teen’s cognitive strengths and self-esteem. You will walk away with easy, practical tools to improve motivation, organization, follow through and much more. 

Dr. Sharon Saline is the author of the award-winning book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life and The ADHD solution card deck.  She specializes in working with neurodiverse children, teens, young adults and families and helps them learn effective communication tools, deepen personal insight and build closer connections. She is a part-time lecturer at the Smith College School for Social Work, blogger for and hosts a weekly Facebook Live event for Learn more at

Elementary – Wednesday, May 5 at 7:00 p.m.

Topic: Parent Workshop: Led by Dr. Sharon Saline – Wednesday, May 5 at 7:00 pm
Time: May 5, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 937 1338 5968
Passcode: 123
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,93713385968#,,,,*123# US (New York)
Dial by your location
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Middle & High School – Wednesday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Topic: Parent Workshop: Led by Dr. Sharon Saline – Wednesday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m. 

for Middle School & High School 
Time: May 19, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 1180 7382

Passcode: 123
One tap mobile

+16468769923,,97411807382#,,,,*123# US (New York)
Dial by your location
       + 1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

And, if you are interested in some great masks:

Hi Ryan Road! The freshman class at NHS is selling Northampton Schools themed masks. 

These masks have adjustable ear-loops, a nose wire, and come with a filter. 

Each mask is 12 dollars and all proceeds support future school events! Masks can either be shipped to you or picked up outside NHS on April 22 from 1:30 to 3:30.

Order here:

And Thank You for your support!

2021-2022 School Year

• The 2021-2022 school calendar has been approved by the school committee. Here it is. Please note the change in school hours (in the lower left-hand corner) that were recently approved by the School Committee to allow for a later start for high school students. 


• Looking for information about Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 School Year?

Also, I have had many questions about whether or not we are planning to have our kindergarten students in-person full time, and that is certainly our plan. We are all looking forward to a typical and spectacular start at Ryan Road School!

Important Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday, April 28: PTO Meeting at 6:30

Monday, May 10: School Photos (taken outside) More information will be coming home soon.

Tuesday, May 11: Half day with a 12:20 dismissal (Teacher Work Day)

Wednesday, May 26: Half Day with an 11:30 Dismissal (Staff Professional Development)

Monday, May 31: No School for Memorial Day

Friday, June 18: Last day of School! 12:20 Dismissal

Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal