Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of April 22
Spring Greetings!
Photos this week show a couple of photos from the Spaghetti Supper at the Elks Lodge before vacation. We had a great turnout!
All of the other photos are from our tremendous Dance Off and Crazy Hat and Hair Day the day before vacation. It was a really wonderful event! We’ve got talent!
Placement Plans for Next Year
It is hard to believe that I am starting to think about the 2019-2020 school year, but I wanted to let you know that we will conduct the process of class placement similarly to the way we did the last several years. Class placement decisions will be made by the end of this school year, and your child’s teacher for next year will be communicated to you with his/her end of year report card. Also, we plan to have a brief gathering of next year’s classes and teachers on the last day of school. We have found that this process eliminates some of the summer anxiety that can occur by waiting until the end of the summer. I have received positive feedback about the process from students, teachers, and families.
I will be working carefully with teachers to create class groupings that work well together and build positive, productive learning communities. Families cannot select teachers, and I know that we will all work well together to ensure a good year ahead for all of our students. All of the teachers at our school are committed to developing positive relationships and nurturing academic success. However, if you feel that you have necessary information to share with me before this process begins, please do not hesitate to contact me by Friday, May 17.
Important Upcoming Dates
• April 22: Earth Day! We will have trash pick up and flower planting available at recess!
• April 24: PTO at 6:30
• April 26: Walking/Running Club begins at recesses for interested students
• May 17: Early Dismissal at 12:20 (Teacher Work Day)
• May 24 at 1:30: Memorial Day Celebration (all classes will present)
• June 7: Field Day
• June 14: Last day of school! Early dismissal at 12:20
MCAS Testing 2019 Dates
Grade 3 (Math)
May 1 & May 8
Grade 4 (Math)
April 30 & May 7
Grade 5 (Math)
May 2 & May 9
Grade 5 (Science)
May 14 and May 16
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal