Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of April 21, 2020

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of April 21, 2020


Dear Families/Caregivers,

In case you didn’t see it when we released it last week, our staff (with the amazing help of our Technology Integration Specialist, Rocky Mariani-Prall) put together a little video for your children. Please share it with them.

Here it is!

I also thought I’d start sharing a read aloud in my Weekly Update that you can share with your children if you think they would like it. I started last week, and this week’s book is Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens. 

I’ve also attached a few photos from last week. Mr. St. George was happy to see one of our students (at a safe distance) at the food distribution at Florence Heights. Also, I was lucky to meet Scarlet’s new puppy, Lucy. It was hard to stay at a safe distance and not cuddle with both of them, but I controlled myself and just took the photo. Also, two of our kindergarten students stopped by the school to show me the wonderful sign they made for their yard. And, some very sweet daffodils (planted by kindergarten in the fall) have sprung by our garden.

If you would like to do some weeding in the paths between the raised beds, please come and do that. Hope (our garden educator) will start working this week to rebuild some of the rotting beds, but it would be GREAT to get the weeds out of the pathways. 

And, I’ve attached an Art Newsletter from our art teacher, Ms. Macutkiewicz. Also, attached is a Report to Parents about good reminders during this COVID19 crisis.




I hope you are finding the Distance Learning Plans and communication from teachers helpful. Everyone is trying to figure out this new way of teaching and learning, and nobody thinks it is perfect, but our teachers have been working hard to find ways to enrich and engage your children and to stay in touch with families. Please let us know if you need anything. 

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal