Principal Madden’s Weekly Update – June 4, 2018
This week’s photos show some of students engaged in studying creatures from the Vernal Pool, which is located not far from school. Mr. Ted, our naturalist partner from the Hitchcock Center, helps us open our eyes to all that is living around us. We are grateful for his enlightenment as we study science and nature. We will have a celebration highlighting some of this work on Friday, June 15 from 2:00-2:45 in classrooms (except for grade 5, who will be the Connecticut Science Center). Please join us if you can!
Other photos show some fun with kindergarten and 4th grade learning buddies in our courtyard. Our courtyard has been bustling with new life this spring, as we have 4 active bird nests and many baby birds. Very exciting.
The other photo highlights some kindergarteners with their 4th grade learning buddy.
Important Upcoming Dates
• June 8: Field Day
• June 8: Also, on Field Day, Lilian Valiunas (mother of Hudson in Kindergarten) will have another Ladies Clothing sale from 2-5 in the library. Come and get some nice deals!
• June 9: Car Wash Fundraiser for Nature’s Classroom at Webber and Grinnell from 10-2. Come get your car cleaned for a great cause! Not into car washing? Then join the Sawmill Scramble 5K Trail Race at 9:00. You could actually do both of these fun events in one day!
• Tuesday, June 12 9:15-11:00: 4th Grade State Fair
• June 14 5:30-7:00 Kindergarten Potluck—Potluck dinner for incoming and outgoing kindergarten families. Call the school office for information.
• June 15 at 2:00: Celebrate Nature! Classroom exhibits showing some of our environmental work this year.
• June 19 at 1:30: 5th Grade Celebration
• June 20: Last Day of School with a 12:20 dismissal
I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal