Principal Madden’s Mid-Week Message—December 16, 2020

Dear Caregivers,

In case you missed the robocall from Superintendent Provost yesterday, here is the most current district news.

Due to the nor’easter predicted to impact our area Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, Thursday will be a remote learning day for all students. 

We have been able to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in our schools by working closely with local health officials to implement effective safety measures. Despite the effectiveness of our school health protocols, our national health systems are being taxed by the disease spread resulting from the failure of Americans to follow the advice of public health officials to avoid family gatherings. We are concerned that the upcoming holidays may see a repeat of this behavior. 

For that reason, we will be implementing a planned pause in the transition to the hybrid model. Friday will be the last day of in-person instruction before the planned pause which will begin on December 21st and end on January 8th. During the planned pause, all students will receive remote instruction. Learning in the hybrid model will resume on January 11th when the next phase of the hybrid model will go into effect as students in grades 4 & 5 begin hybrid instruction. 

4/5 teachers will have only asynchronous learning on December 22 & 23 in order to prepare classroom spaces. At each grade level increase, teachers have been given two days to prepare classroom spaces. 

Teachers will be in touch about classroom routines and expectations during this pause.

It has been really wonderful to have so many students here in person, and our hybrid model has been going very well. We will resume soon, and I remain hopeful that a vaccine will get us back to full time in-person learning at Ryan Road School before too long!

Important Upcoming Dates

• Friday, December 11: Report Cards sent home for students in grades 2-5. Please let us know if you do not receive a report card. They were/will be given to in-person students or put into student work folders for caregiver pick up.

• Friday, December 18: Report Cards sent home for students in grade 1.

• Thursday, December 24-Friday, January 1: Holiday Vacation

January 18: No School–Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 22-28 (Friday-Thursday): Half Days–Parent Conferences (virtual)

Friday, January 29: No School–Teacher Work Day

Stay up to date (under normal circumstances or not!) with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden


If your child is coming to school on Friday, send them with outdoor gear to have fun in the snow!

We do have some gear here if needed. We want everyone to have a good time.