Principal Canata’s January 2018 Newsletter
Office 587-1540 Volume 5 No. 4 January 2018
A Message From Mr. Canata,
Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope all were able to enjoy a wonderful winter vacation and were able to celebrate the holidays with those you care about. The weather certainly wasn’t cooperative for outdoor activities but it was nice to have a White Christmas.
As in years past, I reached out to the greater Leeds community to ask for any help for any families that could use it this time of year. I am proud to report the community responded and we were able to assist several families and provide support in the form of gift cards, clothing and toys. It was a pleasure for me to present these on behalf of the Leeds community and the Jack Dunphy Toy Drive. I’m very confident we were able to provide some families with a nice holiday.
At the last community meeting of 2017 the 5th grade chorus was amazing. Under the direction of Ms. Michaud and with the support of our staff and the Clarke School staff put on wonderful and festive performance. I also shared a message with the students about setting goals and having new years resolutions. Here are a few of the words I shared on the following page:
New Year brings new hopes, new dreams, new ideas, fresh starts and another chance to To Be The Best You Can “Bee”
- Think about and decide what you want to do better – reading, sports, new friends, better writer, better at math, exercise, try something new…
- Practice, practice, practice…make it your passion and take action
- Surround yourself with positive people – those who can encourage you
- Believe in yourself – believe in your vision
- Don’t set a time limit – its a process, things don’t just happen overnight
- Treasure yourself/Respect yourself – know that deep down you are a good person who is trying to be that much better – and everyone should have the opportunity to know that.
- If you set a goal and make progress toward that goal I promise you will feel better about yourself and will have a wonderfully happy new year!
Budget News
As the budget season begins for the FY 19 School year, it is very important that information from the public is received and get input on the budget from our faculty and staff as well as from our families. There is an electronic form available on the Northampton Public Schools website homepage. There are versions in both English and Spanish. The web site can be found at Please know that everyone’s opinion is valued and we look forward to your input.
Construction Update
Over vacation workers replaced hundreds of interior ceiling tiles. Due to years of leakage many were stained and worn out. Today, things look fantastic. Also, our district’s Central Services Department worked to have nearly all of the fluorescent lighting with brighter, more energy efficient LED lights. Everyone will immediately notice the incredibly bright difference.
World Cafe is coming!
Get Excited, Get Ready and Get Involved!
Leeds Elementary School is planning a World Cafe on February 2nd from 6:00 – 8:00.
What is the World Cafe? This event is being planned to celebrate, educate and expose families to the diversity among all of us. Families are invited to create and host a table displaying information and sharing food about a country or culture they have chosen. Leeds families are always visible at various events and we are hopeful that the World Cafe will bring our community together and demonstrate our community spirit as we enjoy the company, conversation and cultures of those who make up the community. Please submit your forms as soon as you can!
Thank you to the PTO!
For the 5th year in a row the PTO has provided every member of the school community with a great Leeds Elementary School T-shirt. This year the popular vote from the student body chose the color jade and the shirt is adorned with a design submitted by 4th grader, Zara Usman. Thanks PTO for allowing us to proudly display our school spirit!
Upcoming dates:
January 16th – Spaghetti Supper
January 15th – No School Martin Luther King Day
January 18th – PTO 6:30
January 24th – Teacher Work Day, no school for students
February 2 – World Cafe
“Bee” Resolute
¡Compre sus boletos hoy!
10 ° cena anual de espagueti de Leeds
Miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016
Dos asientos: 5:15 y 6:15 Cafetorium de la escuela Leeds
$ 8 Adulto $ 4 Niño (menos de 2 años es gratis) ¡$ 20 Familia de 4!
Venga a relajarse y comparta la mesa con familiares y amigos en este quinto grado anual
recaudación de fondos! La cena incluye espagueti (pasta sin gluten disponible), marinara vegetariana
¡Salsa, pan, bebidas y postres, todos servidos por alumnos de 5to grado de Leeds!
Los ingresos de este evento comunitario ayudarán a cubrir los costos asociados con el quinto
Grado archivado viaje a Nature’s Classroom.
Para ordenar boletos, complete el formulario a continuación y devuélvalo a la oficina de la escuela o al de su hijo.
maestro con pago en efectivo o cheque a nombre de LEEDS PTO.
¡Tus boletos estarán esperándote en la puerta! Solo boletos limitados están disponibles en el
puerta la noche del evento. ¡Asegúrate de pedir tus boletos antes de que se agoten!
¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con Terry Flynn en o Amy Seldin en
************************************************** **********
Cena de espagueti de 5to grado de Leeds 2016
El nombre del niño: ______________________________________
Maestro de niños: ____________________________________
Entrada para adultos ($ 8): _______ 5:15 asientos 6:15 asientos
Boletos para niños ($ 4): _______ 5:15 asientos 6:15 asientos
Paquete familiar de 4 ($ 20): _______ 5:15 asientos 6:15 asientos
Sí, me gustaría _______ cenas de spaghetti sin gluten.
Total incluido: $ _______
Realice el pago en efectivo o con cheque a nombre de LEEDS PTO.
O ¡ordene y pague electrónicamente usando PAYPAL!