Leeds FAQ: Arrival and Dismissal
Questions and Answers regarding:
Students arrive and are dismissed to and from school many ways; they walk, ride bikes, arrive in buses, vans, and cars. This reminder is being sent out for safety’s sake.
There are many things to consider that I would like to share with everyone:
- Buses – Buses arrive in the morning at approximately 8:35, nobody should be parked on the exterior side of the bus loop between the hours of 8:30 and 8:50. This rule applies in the afternoon during dismissal, 2:50 and 3:15.
- There is one exception, PRESCHOOL, The Preschool maintains a different schedule than the rest of school and as a result there are a few additional procedures for all to be aware of. Preschool uses the entry doors in the bus loop that are closest to the small playground. Preschool arrival begins at 8:50 and parents, guardians and vans will be pulling up and dropping off at the doors. This should be after the buses and vans have dropped off. Preschool’s morning session ends at 11:20 and the pick up will be at the same doors. Preschool’s afternoon session begins at 12:20 and there will be another drop off. Preschool dismissal is at 2:50 which means all pickups must be prompt so we can prepare for the arrival of the buses for regular dismissal.
- Kindergarten Drop Off and Pick Up – Those who pick up their Kindergarteners are the only families that should be utilizing the main parking lot. It is understood at this busy time there might be some creative parking happening. Because of this, we respectfully ask that once you have either dropped off or picked up that you make your way to yours cars and exit the property top alleviate congestion. The Kindergarteners will be on the playground and we ask that parents meet them near the Kindergarten wall by the gate.
- Parent Pick Up – We have a driving/parking/pick-up/drop-off system in place at our school. The pick up line on Florence Street begins and extends down the street, please do not leave your car, do not pull up and park behind the crossing guard, please wait and proceed as the line moves forward. While this seems like a large line in most all students are safely loaded by 3:15 (the latest).
- Walkers – It appears that the majority of our walker population lives in the surrounding neighborhood and many parents and caregivers meet on the front lawn and escort the students home avoiding the main roads. This practice works. For others who walk in each direction on Florence Street, please use the crosswalks and stay on the sidewalks.
- Bikers – First and foremost please make sure students are wearing HELMETS it’s the law. Also, if students are leaving bikes at our bike racks,please make sure that they are LOCKED! Students should walk their bikes in the crosswalks and as they enter or exit the property.