Late Start Survey
After more than a decade of research, surveys and public feedback, the School Committee is now considering two new proposals to adjust the start and end times of our schools no earlier than the beginning of the school year in the Fall of 2021. Both proposals would cost the same as our current bussing contract. We will be discussing and possibly voting to implement one of these proposals at our next School Committee Meeting on December 10, 2020.
The rationale behind these adjustments is clear. Research has shown that secondary schools that have shifted to later start times have had positive impacts on student achievement by increasing attendance rates, decreasing disciplinary action, decreasing sleeping during instruction and more. And, for elementary school aged students, research has shown that younger children learn better in the morning.
By deciding now, our community of educators, families and students will have at least nine months to make any necessary adjustments to accommodate these changes.
We invite you to complete this short form so we can get feedback on these new proposals as compared to our current start times:
Current Schedule
Elementary: 8:50-3:00
JFK: 7:55-2:30
NHS: 7:30-2:00
Proposal A
Elementary: 8:00-2:00
JFK: 8:30-3:00
NHS: 9:00-3:30
Proposal B
Elementary: 8:00-2:00
NHS: 8:30-3:00
JFK: 9:00-3:30
Again, these two new proposals would cost the same as our current busing contract.
Link to the survey in ENGLISH here.
Link to the survey in SPANISH here.