Jeromie Whalen, the technology teacher at Northampton High School works with Gabe Sussman, 16, in an after-school meeting for the school’s communications and media production course. Whalen, Sussman and other students have created a new website for the school district. GAZETTE STAFF/CAROL LOLLIS – Buy this Image NORTHAMPTON — Northampton’s school district has a new website, and Superintendent...
Become a Booster!
Become a Booster! The Northampton Athletic Booster Club (NABC) is a volunteer run, nonprofit organization with the sole mission to provide financial support for all Northampton High School Athletics.
World Café at Leeds Elementary School
A Showcase of Countries + Cultures! The World Café will be a celebration of Leeds Elementary School’s cultural diversity and an opportunity for students and families to learn more about different countries and cultures. Join us on Friday, February 2 from 6PM-8PM
Leeds Hurricane Relief Fund Raising Efforts
LEEDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL has a school-wide Hurricane Relief project underway. Classes have come up with fundraising projects, ranging from a read-a-thon and selling artistic bookmarks, to bake sales and direct donations, in an effort to raise funds for areas affected by the recent tropical storms. As of November 1st, $4,350 has been raised by Leeds! Check out the presentation the...
Jackson St. School Garden Provides Hands-On Education
Diego Irizarry-Gerould, a garden educator with School Sprouts, talks to a fourth-grade class at Jackson Street School in Northampton about what they are going to do during their garden period on Thursday. GAZETTE STAFF/CAROL LOLLIS – Buy this Image NORTHAMPTON — On a sunny fall afternoon, the children at Jackson Street School go outside to weed plants...
Bridge Street’s Soft Open of Walking Bus
In honor of International Walk to School Day Bridge Street students began their Walking Bus. Bridge Street School and the PTO hope to begin the program soon. To sign up your student to walk click here. To sign up to be a walking “driver” click here. Continue to the article originally posted on
The Puppet Casters: Middle-Schoolers Learn Balinese ‘Wayang Kulit’ Shadow Puppetry
JFK Middle School eighth graders Lucy Bernhard, center, and Benjamin Gollis-Pedelaborde, right, perform their own shadow puppet play in the school’s community room after a workshop on the Balinese tradition of puppetry known as Wayang Kulit on Friday, September 8, 2017, in Florence. At left, providing accompaniment is Putu Rekayasa of Indonesia, who, along with...