A Brief Update from Principal Madden – August 12, 2020
Hello Caregivers,
This is just a quick update (more information will be coming soon!) to let you know that the School Committee did vote for a fully remote plan to start the school year. Dr. Provost will be sending out more information this week, and I will continue to send updates.
I know that this information has thrown many of you into a tailspin as you figure out how to care for your children, work, and stay safe. It is a really challenging time, and we will do the best we can here at school to make sure we are supporting you and your children.
Here is a link to the information about the School Committee meeting where they voted on the plan.
And, here is a recording of the (very long) meeting, in case you want to watch any of it.
And, I have attached an updated School Calendar HERE.
I’ll be in touch, and, as always, reach out to me at school (587-1550) or by email (smadden@northampton-k12.us) if you have questions or want to talk.
Sarah Madden