Level 1: Services for ALL Students
*All "regular" courses offered at CHS
*All courses part of the Core 40 graduation requirements
*MLK Service
*Veterans Program
*Career Day
*College Fair
*Education Pathways and AP Information Evening
*Orientation Evening and Registration
*Peer Mentoring
*Online Grade Access
Level 2: Services for MANY Students
*Fine Arts Courses (i.e. Music, Art, Drama, etc.)
*Applied Sciences and Technology Courses (i.e. Ag, Culinary, Senior Internship, etc.)
*Extra-Curriculars, including sports
*"Canstruction" and other Clubs
*Introduction PLTW Courses
Level 3: Services for SOME Students
*All honors Courses
*Academic teams (i.e. Academic and Fine Arts Super Bowls and Spellbowl, etc.)
*Varsity athletic teams (all IHSAA recognized sports are available at CHS)
*Advanced Fine Arts Class/Groups (i.e. Advanced Band, Show Choirs, Theatre Productions)
Academy of Finance (AOF)
*5th year Foreign Language
*Project Lead the Way (PLTW~Biomed and Pre-engineering programs)
*"Moodle" Classes
*National Honor Society
*Honors Evening Programs
*Williamsburg History Trip
*Foreign Travel Experiences
Level 4: Services for a FEW Students
*All Advanced Placement Courses
*Testing out to go on to higher level classes and/or for credit accrual for specific high ability knowledge
*Internships (these are developed individually for students relative to professional career experiences)
*Early Graduation (Accelerated) (i.e. 3 years or less)
*Dual Enrollment