Career & Technical Education
Welcome to CTE!
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a planned program of courses and learning experiences that challenge students to develop academic, technical, and personal skills through relevant integrated learning experiences. CTE provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary for a wide range of high wage, high skill, high-demand careers. In Mukilteo, we offer CTE courses at all 4 of our middle schools and each of our 3 high schools. Our school district has over 50 approved CTE courses that we offer to our students. CTE classrooms are equipped with state of the art technology and equipment to provide our students with an experience that is similar to what they would have in a specific industry. CTE classes allow our students to discover their interests and set them up for a successful transition after high school!
All of our teachers are part of advisory councils that consist of industry and post-secondary partners. Advisory councils provide input and guidance to keep our classes and programs relevant to the ever changing labor force.
In addition to the academic and technical skills learned, CTE classes offer additional opportunities for our students beyond basic education courses:
- Work-Based Learning
- Career and Technical Student Organizations (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, Skills USA, TSA, WCTSMA)
- Field Trips
- Industry Recognized Credentials
- Career Pathways
- Graduation Pathway in lieu of passing state exams
- Course Equivalancies
- College Credit
- Exposure to Career Connections
- Internships/Apprentiships
- Credit for Working
Not only does CTE provide a great education in its own right, but it also acts as a stepping stone to the next stage in a student's path to post-secondary options. For our students, that means more open doors and opportunities after high school. For our society, that means a more skilled and experienced workforce.
- CTE learners have a 10% higher high school graduation rate than non-CTE students.
- 7/10 of the hardest-to-fill positions are in technical fields or require a CTE background.
- 96% of Washington high school CTE concentrators who graduated in 2021 had completed CTE dual credit courses.
- During the 2021-2022 school year, Washington State had 168,718 secondary CTE participants.
- During the 2021-2022 school year, Washington State had 30,218 post-secondary credentials earned by CTE students.
We are proud to offer a plethora of CTE experiences to our students in Mukilteo. I encourage you to explore our website to dive deeper into what CTE provides.
Please reach out if you want additional information or have any questions.
Kevin Rohrich
CTE Director, Mukilteo School District