Up to date :
Scholarship for High school students (Aces, Kamiak & Mariner):
Becas para estudiantes de Preparatoria (Aces, Kamiak y Mariner):
To find out resources from:
- Basic needs (food, rent, housing, bills, transportation)
- Child care
- Clothing
- Community Center Support
- Domestic Violence
- Extra Curricular
- Health Care
- Holiday
- Other
- Parents
Click this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yu9BcPYDoRTrkw6lCj3CNN_q48OGaDbHorccp74r0Ro/edit#gid=2088368339
Para encontrar recursos de:
Necesidades Básicas (comida, renta, vivienda, facturas, transporte)
- Cuidado de ninos
- Ropa
- Centros comunitarios
- Violencia Domestica
- Extra curricular
- Cuidado de Salud
- Festividades
- Otros
- Padres
Solo presioné este enlace: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yu9BcPYDoRTrkw6lCj3CNN_q48OGaDbHorccp74r0Ro/edit#gid=1232667207
Please remember we have a parents' meeting every month.
Por favor recuerde que tenemos reunión de padres cada mes.
Here are the following dates for Spanish-speaking families:
Aquí están las fechas para las familias que hablan español:
- Abril 8, a las 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
- Mayo 13, a las 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
- Junio 3, a las 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
If you would like to have a parents' meeting every month, please let me know. I will be happy to support you.
Updated September 2021
Mukilteo School District has not formally reviewed nor approved any of the websites or programs listed above. These links are intended to help families connect with local resources.