PTA Reflections Arts Program
“I Matter Because…”
Do you enjoy art, music, and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us and have fun unleashing your inner artist! Reflections is a National and State PTA arts program. Each year hundreds of thousands of students across the nation take part in the contest by submitting entries in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. This year’s theme, “I Matter Because,” calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts.
Are you inspired? Please fill out the online form and indicate which area(s) you are interested in to receive an entry form, contest guidelines, and the rules of participation. The student’s submission must be the work of the student alone. More information can be found at: https://www.wastatepta.org/events-programs/reflections/
Entries are due no later than Monday, November 2nd. All students are encouraged to apply; entries are judged in different divisions: Primary (K-2) and Intermediate (3-5). The PTA will create an online gallery and all participants’ entries will be showcased and shared with the entire school. Every participant in the Picnic Point PTA Reflections program will be recognized and selected finalists will go on to represent Picnic Point at the state competition.
Questions? Contact Heather Lucas, Reflections Chair: picnicpointreflections@gmail.com .
Click HERE to fill out an interest form and receive more information. Can’t wait to see what you create!
The theme "I Matter Because..." can be expressed through visual art, photography, dance, film, music, or writing composition. Official entry form and rules can be found here: https://www.wastatepta.org/events-programs/reflections/
All entries will be a part of the online gallery and all artists receive a special prize for their work. Selected artists will go on to represent Picnic Point at the State Competition. It's a great way to showcase our students' talent and encourage their creative expression. Can't wait to see what they create!
Reflections Art Program Interest Form: Go to: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=AJPAsOLbY0iHjVKkh_3cmHj9i2OzIG9LnZ3OJfuW2ChUM1ZBTUw5SUhPNVY1V09KVUE4UDFMQlVFUi4u
Forms and FAQs:
Category Rules: