• FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What is my child's school schedule?
    2. Where do I drop off my child?
    3. Where do I pick up my child?
    4. What are my options for before/after-school child care?
    5. What if my child just wants to play at school after classes are over?
    6. What if my child needs to arrive late or leave early?
    7. What do I do if my child is sick or needs to miss school?
    8. May I visit my child's classroom during school hours?
    9. What is the best way to communicate with my child's teacher?
    10. What do I do about snacks and lunch?
    11. What if my child has forgotten something important?
    12. What if my child loses something?
    13. Do I need to buy school supplies for my child?
    14. What are the Old Mill School rules?
    15. What are the playground rules?
    16. Are pets allowed on campus?
    17. Does Old Mill School have a dress code?
    18. What is a Staff Development Day?
    19. How can I get involved?
    20. How many teachers are at Old Mill School?
    21. How many students are enrolled in Old Mill School?
    22. May I visit the school to check it out?
    23. How can I enroll my child in Old Mill School?
    1.  What is my child's school schedule?
    School starts at 8:15 am and ends at 2:35pm, except on Wednesdays when school lets out at 1:45 pm. During conference weeks in the Fall, a minimum day schedule with dismissal at 12.15 pm is observed for Grades K through 5.
    2.  Where do I drop off my child?
    Children can be dropped off at school as early as 8:00 am when supervision on the playground begins, but no earlier. Parking by school in the morning can be challenging. One of the ways to alleviate traffic congestion is to walk to school, park a few blocks away and walk, or drop off your child.
    Do NOT drop off your child in the red zone on Lovell, Old Mill Street, or Throckmorton.  It is illegal and dangerous. Please drop your child off in our school's designated Drop Don't Stop area.  
    Parent volunteers at Old Mill run a program called Drop Don't Stop where parents can pull up to the front of the school on Throckmorton and drop their child off with one of the parent volunteers. Please see our guidelines to keep Drop Don't Stop running safely and successfully.



    3.  Where do I pick my child up?
    At 1:30 pm, Kindergarteners are picked up by a parent or an approved adult outside their classrooms along Throckmorton Avenue.  If you are more than 10 minutes late, your child will be waiting for you in the school office. Please call if that is the case.


    If your Kindergartener is signed up for Extended Day Services (EDS) or an enrichment class, your child will be picked up from their classroom and will be taken to the EDS classroom or designated space on campus for their enrichment class.

    For children in Grades 1 to 5, dismissal is at 2:50 pm (1:45 pm on Wednesdays). 

    Please do not congregate inside the school hallways before the bell rings. It disrupts children learning in the Resource rooms in the main hallway and students in their regular classrooms. Instead, remain out front, or quietly walk through the building to the playground.
    Meet your child on the schoolyard or in front of the school, unless your child is enrolled in EDS or an enrichment class.  See the next section for more information on after-school options.

    4.  What are my options for before/after school child care?


    Before School
    Both the upper and lower yards are supervised by OMS Staff beginning at 8:00 am. Students are allowed to be dropped off starting at this time, but no earlier.  Only students on the lower playground may play ball games (but no small/tennis ball games). The upper playground is "ball game free". 

    Bright Horizons' Extended Day Services provides before school childcare on campus for a monthly fee. Childcare begins at 1:30pm.  For more information, please contact EDS at 415.383.1308 or visit their website (linked above).


    After School 
    Starting at 2:50 pm (1:45pm on Wednesdays), the playgrounds are not supervised. Unattended children must leave campus or go to after school programs. Teachers and Office Staff have meetings and other school work to do and are not available if there is an injury.
    Students should go directly to the office if their parent/guardian is late.
    If you would like to stay on campus, supervise your child at all times. There cannot be ball games on the upper playground blacktop until adults and small children have vacated, around 3:15pm (2pm on Wednesdays). Any games on the turf must be closely supervised by adults and balls should not enter the blacktop area.
    It is very important to respect staff in the portables after school. The walls are not thick and they cannot be expected to supervise students. They should be able to work uninterrupted until 4pm. Thank you for supporting our teachers.
    We prefer caregivers take children to Old Mill Park after school where there are bathrooms, play structures, and beautiful surroundings. Or, to the public library.
    Students cannot be on the lower playground after school, until 6pm. EDS reserves this area after school.
    There are two options for after school care: EDS and Enrichment Classes. EDS (Extended Day Service) is run by Bright Horizons l for a monthly fee. Please contact EDS at 383-1308 for more information.

    The Mill Valley Parks and Recreation Department runs after-school enrichment courses at all Mill Valley elementary schools.  The Mill Valley Parks and Recreation Department offers a broad variety of classes and activities such as Legos, drama, art, sewing, Spanish and Tae Kwon Do.  There are four sessions during the school year with each session offering different classes. Fees for the classes vary. For more information about these classes, please click on the Parks and Recreation tab on http://www.millvalleycenter.org/.

    Students who are enrolled in EDS may also take the Enrichment classes.  The Enrichment teachers will pick up students from the EDS classroom, and either return them to EDS or wait for you to pick up your child.
    5.  What if my child just wants to play at school after classes are over?
    Starting at 2:50 pm(1:45pm on Wednesdays), the playgrounds are not supervised. Unattended children must leave campus or go to after school programs. Teachers and Office Staff have meetings and other school work to do and are not available if there is an injury.
    Students should go directly to the office if their parent/guardian is late.
    If you would like to stay on campus, supervise your child at all times. There cannot be ball games on the upper playground until adults and small children have vacated, around 3:15pm (2pm on Wednesdays).
    It is very important to respect staff in the portables after school. The walls are not thick and they cannot be expected to supervise students. They should be able to work uninterrupted until 4pm. Thank you for supporting our teachers.
    We prefer caregivers take children to Old Mill Park after school where there are bathrooms, play structures, and beautiful surroundings. Or, to the public library.
    Students cannot be on the lower playground after school, until 6pm. EDS reserves this area after school.
    See above for after school programs at Old Mill.
    6.  What if my child needs to arrive late or leave early?
    If you have an appointment for your child, and you need to arrive late or leave early, please let the school office know. You may also inform your teacher, but it is more important to inform the office in case a teacher is absent. Please do not call or text a teacher's private phone.

    If you arrive after school has started, you need to sign your child in at the school office and get a “tardy slip” for their teacher. If your child must leave school at times other than regular dismissal, please let the teacher know ahead of time. Children must be signed out in the office if leaving before the end of their school day.  When you arrive to pick up your child, come to the school office.  The classroom will be called and your child will meet you in the office. Please do not go directly to the classroom as that will disrupt the lesson.


    7.  What do I do if my child is sick or needs to miss school?
    California state law requires that all communicable diseases be reported immediately so that other parents may be alerted. If your child will not be attending school or will be arriving late, please call the school office at 389-7727 ext. 2500 by 9:00 am. You may also choose to inform your teacher, but it is more important that you let the office know first in case the teacher is absent.  If you do not call the office, a call will be made to you to inquire about your child. For more information, please review the When To Keep Your Child Home section. If your child has lice, please read our Lice Information Section. 


    If your child is enrolled in EDS, please notify them at 415.383.6204.


    8.  May I visit my child's classroom during school hours?
    Parents who wish to visit their child's classrooms during school hours, when not volunteering, may do so by making arrangements directly with the teacher ahead of time. However, these visits can be disruptive so they should be for special reasons only. If you need to drop something off for your child, leave it in the office.
    All visitors, including volunteers, must check in with the school office and obtain a visitor's badge. For safety reasons, all adults must sign in anytime they are on campus. 


    9.  What is the best way to communicate with my child's teacher?
    Consult your teacher for their preferred method of communication. Some common forms of communication are by school telephone, email, or even a clipboard hanging outside the door for quick notices about a change in pickup. Per district guidelines, a teacher has a two-day window to answer any voicemails or emails from parents. Parents should not use a teacher's private telephone number for texting. Call the office and the message will be delivered.
    It is always best to make an appointment to receive a staff member's undivided attention. Catching a staff member right before or after class is not be the best way to communicate important information as they often have before/after school responsibilities to attend to. 
    Do not ask classroom aides about your child or other students. They will refer you to your child's teacher.
    If it is an emergency, please call the school office.

    Parent-teacher conferences scheduled in the fall, which also allow you time to discuss your child's progress.


    10.  What do I do about snacks and lunch?
    In kindergarten, parents provide healthy snacks for the classroom. In grades 1-5, children can bring a snack from home and eat it during recess.  When sending food to school, please check with your teacher to determine if there are any allergy-based restrictions of which you should be aware.
    We encourage healthy food at Old Mill. Sweets, candy, and soft drinks should remain at home. Children naturally want to share these items, which disrupts the eating habits of other students. No sweet birthday treats.

    Your child has two options for lunch – bring lunch from home or sign up for the MVSD hot lunch program. These options can be used in combination.  

    If your child brings lunch from home, help reduce the school's trash output by providing your child with a “no waste lunch.”  A “no waste lunch” means reusable containers (no glass), real forks and spoons and cloth napkins.  If possible, please avoid plastic baggies, individual serving containers (applesauce, chips), plastic utensils and paper napkins.   For more information, visit No Waste Lunch and/or Green My Lunchbox for “no waste lunch” resources.
    Students will be asked to bring home uneaten food and trash. This helps parents know what their child is eating, allows uneaten food not to go to waste, and may encourage parents to become more careful with the items they choose to pack.
    Choice Lunch is the MVSD hot-lunch option. Visit the Choice Lunch Website for more information.  To sign up with the program, please follow instructions given in the First Day Packet or pick up instructions outside the office (for information about free or reduced lunches, please contact Lynn Frazier)


    11.  What if my child has forgotten something important?
    Please drop off the item (e.g., lunch or homework) in the school office and your child's classroom will be notified that it can be picked up in the office at recess or lunch time. For safety reasons, do not go directly to your child's class.


    12.  What if my child loses something?
    Everything that comes to school with your child – clothes, backpacks, hats and lunch boxes – should be labeled with your child's name.

    Unlabeled items are placed in a Lost and Found located outside outside the Multi-Purpose Room.  Reminders are sent out periodically during the school year for parents to peruse the Lost and Found for their child's clothes.  Unclaimed items are donated to charity (typically before school breaks).

    13.  Do I need to buy school supplies for my child?
    Not typically, however, some teachers may have a wish list for special projects during the year.


    14.  What are the Old Mill School rules?
    • Be Safe
    • Be Kind
    • Be Responsible
    • Be Respectful
    You can learn more about our Old Mill School Code of Conduct here.
    15.  What Are The Playground Rules?


    16.  Are pet allowed on campus?
    We understand many MIll Valley families love dogs. But..for health and safety reasons, NO PETS may be on campus*, not even for a class "show and tell". They should also NOT be on campus during special after school and weekend event. Dogs should NOT be left unattended before or after school (i.e. tied alone to poles/tables). Not only can they get lonely and bark, thus disrupting classes, they may scare children who are walking to school. Thank you for your cooperation. 
    * Certified service dogs are welcome. 
    17.  Does Old Mill School have a dress code?
    Students need to be dressed for learning and safety.  Proper shoes are required for P.E. and other school activities. Sandals should have a covered toe and heel straps; no flip flops.  No hats indoors.  Clothes should be sensible and allow for the frequent temperature changes we sometimes experience. For more information on the school dress code, visit this section of the Code of Conduct.
    18.  What is a Staff Development Day?
    The Mill Valley School District provides professional development activities for teachers, administrators and non-instructional personnel.  On these days, there is no school for students.


    19.  How can I get involved?
    Please see the section of the website on Volunteering, contact your child's teacher, or contact any PTA Board Member to help you find ways to participate in our school community.
    20.  How many teachers are at Old Mill School?
    Currently, Old Mill has 2 Kindergarten, 2 first grade, 2 second grade, 3 third grade, 2 fourth grade, and 2 fifth grade classrooms. There are MANY additional staff that help these classroom teachers. A complete list of staff can be found on the Staff Directory.
    21.  How many students are enrolled at Old Mill School?
    There were approximately 300 students at Old Mill School in 2017-18.
    22.  May I visit the school to check it out?
    Prospective parents should note that school placement is designated by the Mill Valley School District Office, not by Old Mill School parents or Old Mill School staff.
    New Kindergarten parents are provided with several options to visit and become familiar with the school and the classrooms prior to starting school in the Fall.  
    Please contact the Mill Valley School District Office to learn more about any of the five elementary schools in the district and how to enroll. We do not have the personnel to provide tours to families who are not yet enrolled.
    23.  How can I enroll my child in Old Mill School?
    Residents within Mill Valley School District boundaries may enroll in Mill Valley Schools.  Which elementary school your child will be assigned to is determined by a series of factors including proximity to the school, and enrollment numbers at the various classes in each school.  The District Office will provide complete information on the enrollment process to families new to the district.