• Playground Rules


    Be Safe

    Be Kind

    Be Responsible

    Be Respectful


     BEFORE School Playground Rules (8:15am-8:25am)   

    • Students may not arrive before 8:15am as there is no supervision. 
    • Students may enter campus through the front door or outside gate.
    • At the 8:30 bell, students gather on their class set of "dots."
     AFTER School Playground Rules (2:50pm-4:00pm or 1:45pm-4:00pm on Wednesdays)   
    • Currently, our campus is closed at the conclusion of the academic day.
    General School Playground Rules  
    • All games are open to any student who wants to play.
    • Respect others' physical space.
    • No pushing, fighting, play-fighting (i.e. imaginary guns/swords) or wrestling.
    • The school is not responsible for lost sports equipment. Personal sports equipment should remain in backpacks/classrooms during the day.
    • Hardballs and baseball bats may not be used during school hours.
    • If a ball or other object goes over a fence, inform a yard supervisor. Stay on campus at all times.
    • If you need to enter the building/classroom, inform a Yard Supervisor and take a hall pass.
    • Use the Quiet Zone for talking, reading, or playing quiet gams. Walk quietly through this area.
    • Have a great time!

    Rules for Play Structures

    • Be careful around the play structures. No running or crawling (i.e. tag/chase) around them or jumping from high points.
    • Slide down the slides.