• Walk and Roll to School Day: October 10, 2017

    Mark your calendar!  Every fall, Park School, and many other schools in Marin County, participate in International Walk and Roll to School Day. If you live far away, then we encourage you to drive part way to school, and then walk the rest of the way. Please set your alarm clocks early for the date below and join the green travel movement in Marin!
    International Walk and Roll to School Day is a program organized by Safe Routes to School. Safe Routes to Schools promotes walking and biking to school, using education and incentives to show how much fun it can be!   Learn more at our Safe Routes to School Page.

    Event Date Location Links
    International Walk & Roll
    to School Day
    Tuesday, October 10, 2017
    Park School

    To Photo GalleryPhoto Gallery

    Brian Foster PTA Safe Routes Committee Chair