• Safe Routes to School
    Safe Routes Logo
    Safe Routes to Schools programs are designed to decrease traffic and pollution and increase the health of children and the community, Safe Routes to Schools promotes walking and biking to school, using education and incentives to show how much fun it can be! The program addresses parents’ safety concerns by educating children and the public, partnering with traffic law enforcement, and developing plans to create safer streets. Marin County pioneered the national Safe Routes to Schools program that has spread across the U.S. For more information about Safe Routes to Schools visit www.saferoutestoschools.org.


    Green Ways to School School Pool Marin
    • If you live close by, walk or bike.
    • If you live too far away, either:
      • carpool with one or more other families to school
      • park about ¾ mile at a secure location and walk the rest of the way, or
      • use the bus (if available).
    • If you must drive all the way:
      • drive carefully and watch for children, and
      • turn off your engine -- don't idle.
    Teaching your child how to walk/bike to school builds confidence and keeps them physically fit. Carpooling to school decreases traffic at our school and pollution in the air. Safe Routes to Schools offers School Pool Marin, a trip matching service to help you find others to use Green Ways to school and to after school activities together. Register today at www.schoolpoolmarin.org.

    International Walk and Roll to School Day iWalk Logo


    Mark your calendar! Every fall, Park School, and many other schools in Marin County, participate in International Walk and Roll to School Day. If you live far away, then we encourage you to drive part way to school, and then walk the rest of the way. Please set your alarm clocks early for the date and join the green travel movement in Marin!
    Learn about this year's event on the Walk and Roll to School Day Event Page!



    Name Position Email
    Dan Jeffris PTA Safe Routes Committee Co-Chair

    Dan Jeffris